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Our Descent into Communism (U.S.A.)

History told us never to forget but humans have a short memory clearly... 

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Reply by Anna Mae


I may be new to politics but from what I've seen the left (or probably even higher up tbh) has been pushing toward total control of the people for decades now. 

What I'm seeing now (and in the last decade from the bits I remember) are : They are aiming to make people more dependent on the government, sowing division among the people, controlling the flow of information, demoralizing the people, destroying the family, persecuting organized religion, pushing inch by inch toward disarming citizens, twisting reality, and overall nabbing as much power over every aspect of our lives they can get their hands on. 

People (including myself) haven't been paying attention. We've been focused on trivial shit, distracted, many of us (like myself) just busy living their lives wanting to be left alone in peace. We've become weak and dependent and easily controlled. They lead us around by our noses and teach us to shame anyone who doesn't comply into submission. 

At this point morality doesn't even have a place on the stove, not even the back burner. We gladly embraced depravity. This twisted reality they've created has been spoon fed to us our entire lives and we perpetuate it. 

And its not all been for nothing. At this point we can clearly see that the "crazies" on about conspiracy theories & screaming at us to wake the fuck up and pay attention... They were RIGHT. I fear its too late to do anything about it, but we have to try. Before the freedoms we're entitled to are taken from us and we have no voice left. 

I hate sounding like a loony shouting about communism but I see what the fuck is happening and I can't not say something. 

This goes much bigger than just one stolen election. Its not about the election, not really. Though I believe there's a reason they are so intent on destroying and discrediting Trump. He disrupted their plans, got the people thinking, and empowered the average American. Reminded us of what we were supposed to be as a country. 

I don't even like the man but I can appreciate that. And the Dems pulling the shit they have in this last 4 years, worst this last year, they played their hand too soon. Too many people see what they're doing and people like me who just wanna be left the fuck alone are being forced to take notice and take a stand. 

I truly hope that is their downfall. I hope more people like me wake up. I hope we stand together and put a stop to it. I honestly have no idea how but I hope we find a way before it truly is too late. 

Tell you what though these idiotic leftists cheering the witch hunts and the censorship, the control of information, the manipulations, cancel culture, all of this insanity... They'll come to regret it when they come for them. These morons really don't get it that they're not exempt, they're just useful idiots. A weaponized mob. 

"Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me." - Martin Niemoller

Short memories I tell ya... 

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Reply by Anna Mae


I'm in IL, sadly Prickster is a Dem & a complete fuckhead. 

I agree we should be paying attention to the elections. We should also be paying attention to the laws. I actually made a group on Facebook where we share proposed bills, especially the ones they try to sneaky pass, and help one another oppose them. Its not much but its all I could think to do other than shouting and trying to wake people up. 

And I know I'm not crazy for shouting about communism but it feels like it because there's a prevailing belief in America that "it won't and can't happen here". Even as non political as I was I chuckled at or side eyed the "loonies" shouting about conspiracy theories & commies once upon a time and I realize how I look. I just don't fuckin care. The truth is the truth whether I sound like a crazy person or not. 

Back to the bills though, they're attacking on all fronts. So far I've seen a national gun "registry" law, a law pushing wokeism into IL schools (which I'm absolutely sure will spread), and a "community caretaking" "exception" to police needing a warrent to seize guns. I'm sure there are more but I'm only 1 person & still learning how to monitor this shit. The group is growing though, bit by bit, and I hope it helps get more people politically active and paying attention. 

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Reply by abraham302


Literally nobody in mainstream American politics is advocating for communism. Actual communists and socialists have zero institutional power in America. The closest is Bernie Sanders but he still bases his policies and political solution off social democracies like Denmark. 

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Reply by Anna Mae


I'm pretty damn sure even currently emboldened they aren't stupid enough to come out and say it just yet. But a behind the scenes effort to steer us in that direction can be clearly seen if you actually pay the fuck attention. If you look at how other societies behaved before the communist regime took over, then take a good hard look at things here in the last couple decades, you can see it clearly. I already stated the how, its up to you to rub those 2 brain cells together to get it, or not and stay complicit. Your choice. ✌

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Reply by Macky


"If you look at how other societies behaved before the communist regime
took over, then take a good hard look at things here in the last couple
decades, you can see it clearly."

Every "communist" country that took over before the revolutions happen. People were living in squalor under Monarchy or in abject poverty.

Under Nicholas II in Russia, people were starving to death even before socialism took over. It wasn't until 1947 when famine (holodomer was man made and it happened sorry tankies) stopped and even the CIA said that in the 70s people living in the USSR ate as many calories as people in the USA, but had a healthier diet than people in America. Now I am not a tankie or defending authoritarianism, but when he took power he industrialized and became a world super power within the span of 30 years, to the point that the United States was afraid, hence the Cold War.

In Vietnam, people were poor rice farmers for majority of their lives and they were able modernize their society today. Majority Vietnam was just rice fields and rain forests. Now they have modern cities that look like a first world country.

In Cuba, around 1/3 of people were illiterate and no healthcare. A good chunk of people didnt know how to read until Socialism. The literacy in Cuba is 99.75% and in majority of States in the US it's around 88% (the northern states have a higher literacy rate). Cuba is still a fairly poor country today and yet majority of people can read compared to what it was in 1959, before the Cuban Revolution which was around 77%.

Objectively, the countries that implemented socialism in the world are far better off now than they were before the socialists took over.

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Reply by Soy Boy LaCroix


First things first, thank you Macky for writing up that primer on the three popularly known Communist revolutions and how they demonstrably have improved their societies in comparison to their prior regimes. There’s a lot to be critiqued about Leftist organization and movements, but I really think the OP is misplaced in her concerns. I hope, Anna Mae, you’re open to hearing out what Communists, Anarchists, and other Socialists have to say for themselves in good faith. No-one wants to take your toothbrush.

“What I'm seeing now (and in the last decade from the bits I remember) are : They are aiming to make people more dependent on the government, sowing division among the people, controlling the flow of information, demoralizing the people, destroying the family, persecuting organized religion, pushing inch by inch toward disarming citizens, twisting reality, and overall nabbing as much power over every aspect of our lives they can get their hands on.”

Citation needed. The conflation folks on the right make between centrists in the Democratic Party who can’t commit to a national health service and “Communism” is kind of incredible. By dependency on the government, are you talking about social welfare programs? Conservative and moderate governments in Europe, who do not have revolutionary Socialists in power, offer those programs to people because it is recognized as a societal to provide healthcare to individuals who need it instead of doing so for profit. Where are Communists destroying the family, or repressing religious expression? 

If you wanted to really understand the majority of leftists positions on gun control, all you’d have to do is Google Karl Marx’s quote on the matter, where he emphatically states that “under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.” He said this in 1850, as an address to the Central Committee of the Communist League, early on as an organizer of workers and revolutionaries. Ever since, leftists of many stripes and creeds have advocated for armed community defense. It’s liberals and other political moderates, not Communists, who are most vocal on issues of gun regulation & control.

“...law pushing wokeism into IL schools (which I'm absolutely sure will spread)”

Could you please clarify this statement? I understand the gist of what being “woke” is, but how is this supposedly being institutionalized in education? If it is happening, why is this a bad thing? Public education in this country has a lot of baggage when it comes to how the children who enter it do or don’t achieve social mobility, and that has to do with the implicit and explicit forms of white supremacy, capitalism, and cisheteropatriarchy which shape it as an institution of the state. Addressing this through policy is hardly revolutionary, and if anything, shores up the legitimacy of the settler state rather than thoroughly critiquing and dismantling its foundation.

I’m down to have a talk about this sort of stuff, because I’m curious about where you’re coming from. I’ve got a thick skin, so let’s cut the bullshit and actually get some constructive discourse about what informs our ideologies, and what we might learn from each other.

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Reply by xX emo_walsh Xx


Man there’s too many words in here to read... what’s the short version of everything everyone just said..

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Reply by Anna Mae


^^ What he said.

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Reply by Anna Mae


Basically communism/socialism = Bad. We don't want that shit here in America, the land of the FREE. 

And some others saying we're basically paranoid bc of course it could *never* happen here (sarcasm) and/or defending socialism/communism bc they're niave. 

There, you're all caught up lol. 

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Reply by Macky


x bad because fast talking man on TV said so

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Reply by Soy Boy LaCroix


Thanks for not substantively replying to anything I laid out for you lmao. Keep on being patronizing though, it does you so many favors.

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Reply by Anna Mae


"You could use a history lesson on America" says the America hating commie wannabe. 

If you want communism so bad go to a communist country & enjoy the "benefits". America is the last place on earth with this amount of freedom, flaws and all, to flee to, so leave my country the fuck alone & go find somewhere else that suits you better. 

You need a lesson on world history, sweet summer child, and to get off whatever crack you're smoking. 

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Reply by Anna Mae


Soy Boy I didn't respond to your post because I didn't feel a need to. People that entrenched in their beliefs aren't likely to be swayed so I see zero reason to argue. Also before he disappeared Matt the Savage had replied quite well to what you had to say. I was enjoying watching the back and forth, learning & thinking, because I'm not as politically or historically literate as I should be. I only jumped into paying attention in this last year, the BLM riots being the final push. I am still learning & educating myself so sometimes I don't have a well worded response. Thats just the honest truth of it. I know enough to know where I stand and I know how to learn so thats what I do. I read, chew on new information, and I like to observe others debating. 

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Reply by Anna Mae


And Macky, I don't particularly like watching tv or the news. Up until this last year I tried to avoid politics altogether. I only pay attention now because it was shoved in my face & now I feel like I need to, given what the fuck is going on. 

I started off with the same baseline, left leaning shit everyone else did too. The same propaganda. Surrounded by left leaning people my entire life. I saw what the fuck the left was doing and I didn't like what I saw so I started paying attention. Reading, educating myself, and considering each new thing I came across. 

I rarely read right wing sources and just recently started even talking to right wingers. Every day I take a good hard look at left wing "news" sources so I can see what these nutjobs are doing. What the people are saying. 

I lean right because I can think for myself and logic & reason seem to lean right too. I'm technically right smack dab in the middle but these days everyone is so polarized you may as well call me a conservative. And I'm ok with that bc at least no one thinks I'm a rabid liberal. 

I am not against communism bc some "fast talking man on tv" said to be. The only tv I even watch is Netflix & Hulu. I'm against socialism & communism because I have seen how it has played out in the past and I personally don't believe in that much government power. 

Hell I don't agree with how much power this government has now either. This is NOT what our founding fathers intended. I believe it should be stripped down to its bare bones & hella restrictions slapped on them so they can't ever gain this much power over the people again.

And I sure as fuck don't think that these assholes should have ANY more power than they already do so the government gaining full control of the people and sneaky trying to force communism on us? 

Of course I'm against that. Because I have brain cells left, can think for myself, and understand why the freedoms we do still have matter so damn much. 

Y'all can think whatever the hell you want. Say whatever stupid shit you want. Believe what you want. Thats the joy of being an American. 

But I gotta say if you're FOR communism - You're NOT for me. ✌

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Reply by Anna Mae


I'll take freedom over security any day. Thats the joy of America. Or what it was intended to be. Like I said before if you love communism so damn much move to a communis country & leave America be. You and your kind won't be missed. ✌

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Reply by Anna Mae


Good, stay there. We don't want your kind here, commie.  

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Reply by Anna Mae


Nah I'm just not retarded enough to look at every single attempt at communism in our world history and think "This sounds like a good idea! I'm a retard, derp!" I'll keep my RIGHTS to my personal belongings and ability to rise above my station if I so choose, thanks. I'll also keep my right to CHOOSE whether I give to my "neighbors" out of the goodness of my own heart instead of being forced to by people who think they know what me and mine need/don't need more than I do. Go argue with people ESCAPING communist countries, fleeing TO America, see how far you get. ✌

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Reply by Vandre


Lol, what people who escaped from communist countries? The ten North korean defectors who live in the States? Or the few Cubans who went to the states because mr. Fidel Castro took their slaves and plantations and wanted to execute them?

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Reply by Anna Mae


Vandre - 

My friend personally knows a man who escaped Communism in Cuba when he was a child. You will find no human on earth with a more visceral HATRED of Communism and Communists than this man, as is quite common within those who've seen its horrors first hand. His family was not rich. They were most certainly not owners of slaves. They were what you might call middle class, a pretty average family. This is his story... notice his father's refugee card at the top:

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Reply by Anna Mae


Continuing my reply to Vandre:

You need to understand something, "comrade": you're no different than a Nazi to me. Communists, the Nazis, Fascists? You're all the same kind of evil to me, the kind that desires to dominate and subjegate your fellow man, and hides that desire by claiming you only want to make the world a better place.

Imagine how you would feel if a literal Nazi came to you, proclaiming the greatness of their ideology, and then denied the atrocites their ideology commited, or implied the victims somehow deserved it? You would be rightfully disgusted, and you would have no inclination to have an honest discussion with such a person. THAT is how I feel right now, about you and your ideology. You're no better than a Nazi and a Holocaust denier, and I will not give you the courtesy of an honest debate or discussion, as there is nothing to debate here. Your ideology is pure evil, rotten to its core, and does not warrant a serious consideration by any decent human being.

In short.....


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Reply by Vandre


I'm jewish, not a nazi as my family lived and died trough that era here in Northern and Eastern Europe... Don't use that word lightly. Neither am I communist, nor do I glorify it so try again. Or rather, don't. I'm glad I envoke such a feeling as disgust in you. You don't disgust me, since I know you're just a looney, nothing more.

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Reply by Anna Mae


Didn't call you a Nazi; I said you're as bad as one if you're a Communist. And alright, you say you're not a Communist, so I'll take your word on that. Regardless, you DID just deny the attrocities that Communists have commited in the name of their ideology, and taken the position that the victims you DO awknowledge somehow had it coming, accusing them of "owning slaves." 

As I said, my friend knows one of the families that escaped Communist Cuba 
 PERSONALLY, and how, as a little boy, he witnessed his neighbors dragged into the street and shot, men, women, and CHILDREN alike. His childhood playmate, no older than 8, shot dead in the street in cold blood, by COMMUNISTS, in the name of their sick ideology. 

I can assure you, these people did NOT "own slaves," as you insinuate. Their only crime was refusing to bend the knee to Communism. And for that, they were shot dead in the street in front of their home like dogs.

You can understand why this is personal to me. You DENY what happened to these people, and many others like them, or say they deserved it. You're no better than a Holocaust denier. 

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Reply by Katie


Me seeing someone spout Nazis propaganda whilst calling someone who is Jewish a Nazis is really something.

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Reply by XxNix_NightmarexX


do u just come on here to try to start shit in the political forums or what

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Reply by Katie


Isn't there like a Klan meeting you should be at or something? 

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Reply by Anna Mae


So being against communism & for freedom is being a Nazi/KKK member now. OK. 

I swear that koolaid y'all are drinking is laced with some pretty hardcore drugs. Fucking nutjobs fr. 

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Reply by Katie


I swear there is something in the water in America that makes you think everything you don't like is communism.

But actually yeah the Nazis were in fact anti communism, all your talking points here are in fact Nazis talking points.

No being against communism doesn't automatically make someone a Nazis, however you who is spouting Nazis crap it does make you, you as individual one.

And as non American and therefore not brainwashed from Birth to believe the USA great, your country, your population, your politicians were literally supportive of the Nazis and their regime as it believed it would end communism in Europe. It

Also stop using ableist slurs 

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Reply by Anna Mae


I can't even take you seriously because literally nothing I've said is "Nazi Propaganda". You people are so cracked out that you take literally anything a white person says that doesn't fit the popular narrative & twist it (or in this case outright ignore the words & make something up) and just start spewing random (preapproved) words like "Nazi", "White Supremacist", "Racist", "Homophobe", "Transphobic", "Anti Semitic", "Bigot", etc. It doesn't even have to make sense in the slightest, its just your default answer to literally anything people who aren't your people say. 

As much as it drives me nuts seeing the absolutely insane, rabid nonsense you people have become, keep it up. Because the more normal, average, decent people you guys turn that shit on, the more insane accusations you throw out to punish people for not going with the status quo, the more people will SEE exactly what kind of nut job's you all are. 

Also, I'll say what I please, you people seem to have no problem doing so, so why should I be held to a different standard? Oh wait, because in your mind, with your situational ethics/morality, you've decided I'm somehow a Nazi and therefore don't have the same rights or *personhood* as everyone else. Who's the Nazi again? 👀

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Reply by Katie


I'm Jewish, calling anyone Jewish a Nazis is antisemitic.

So far we have 

• ableist slurs 
• antisemitic comment 

• Nazis talking points 

Your assumption that I'm communist when yep my family suffered under that as well as Nazism is funny to me.

But yes I am leftist and no I'm not ashamed.

I'm here because look me now 

Everything you've said are Nazis talking points. Everything I've said is factual.

Your just mad because you can say slurs anymore and you feel that's communism 

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Reply by Anna Mae


Yup looks like you've proved it, I'm definitely a Nazi & antisemitic. 💯 You did it, I'm proud of you. 👏 Now you can go pat yourself on the back & sip your green tea & call it a day. You sure put me in my place.

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Reply by Anna Mae


Now does anyone want to discuss how communism is being sneaky pushed on America, like the forum calls for, or would we rather keep going in circles trying to prove I'm an "Antisemitic Nazi" for being AGAINST Nazism, Nazi like mindsets/behaviour, victim blaming, and communism? 

I will ignore any further leftist insanity being spouted so I mean have at it but I'm done playing your silly little games. ✌

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Reply by Anna Mae


New talking point - 

Illinois is now implementing "Culturally Responsive Teaching & Leading Standards." JCAR approved it despite massive amounts of opposition. 

From what I've learned about it, it seems like a gateway was just opened for the Left to weed out right wing teachers and politically indoctrinate our children. 

Just one more play from the communist playbook. 

Is anyone paying attention yet? 

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Reply by PsychicFat


I'm also in IL and boy howdy do I HaTE that our children are being forced to have inclusivity in their studies /s

You're being so obstinate, it's insane to me that anyone could look at that bill and believe that having more diversity is a bad thing?
Besides, teachers (whether right or left wing) aren't supposed to be indoctrinating our children, PERIOD. They're supposed to teach our children the basic knowledge they will need to become a functioning member of society. The fact that you think our children haven't already been politically indoctrinated in the public and private school systems is hilarious. What do you think the Pledge of Allegiance *is? It's INDOCTRINATION.

Your bad faith arguments are silly and the fact that you use Nazi talking points and ableist language is very telling.

"Someone so indoctrinated in their own viewpoints isn't going to be swayed" yeah, just look in the mirror lmao

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Reply by ppf


communism is good, don't be a sheep :^)

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Reply by JD_Jakie


Communism being forced on the USA? File this under reactionaries threatening us with a good time again...but seriously, we've got a democratic majority and president who can't even cut you a $2000 Covid relief check despite endemic poverty that was a problem even before Covid, a crumbling infrastructure, and a state basically telling it's citizens who are cold and in the dark that they should fend for themselves. Large swaths of the police are aligned with or at least sympathetic to the extreme right, leading to killings of ethnic minorities and frequent attacks on the wrong kind of demonstrators (somehow not the ones marching with torches though). FYI- liberal or democrat does not mean communist or even leftist in most cases. In fact, both Democrats and Republicans are liberal in the classical sense of the word. The Democrats are largely concerned with optics, and cultivate the  appearance of being "woke" by spouting mere platitudes about equality, while the Republicans are more willing to make popular appeals to fear of the other (racism, homophobia, anti-Islam etc.) in middle America to get votes, and in more recent years have been more likely to say the quiet part out loud and embrace outright fascism. Ultimately however, both parties with the exception of a few individuals represent the interests of the corporate class and are capitalist to the core. And both parties support imperialist wars to help keep that machine running. You could say that there is socialism in America, as private corporations and wealthy individuals receive very large tax breaks and no-bid defense contracts but I'm sure that's not the kind of socialism you hate, is it?

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Reply by JD_Jakie


According to the website of Feeding America, the largest food bank charity:

Even in the world’s greatest food-producing nation, children and adults face poverty and hunger in every county across America.

  • In 2019, 34 million people lived in poverty in America. For a family of four, that means earning just $25,000 per year.
  • Before the coronavirus pandemic, more than 35 million people struggled with hunger in the United States, including more than 10 million children.
  • A household that is food insecure has limited or uncertain access to enough food to support a healthy life.
  • Children are more likely to face food insecurity than any other group in the United States. 
  • The coronavirus pandemic has left millions of families without stable employment. More than 50 million people, including 17 million children, may experience food insecurity.

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Reply by Anna Mae


And? I fail to see your point as pertains to communism slowly being pushed for in America? 

Are you saying communism would fix this problem? Because if so - Still NO THANKS!

Do I care about children? Yes. Do I care about poverty? Yes. Do I care about the plethora of other issues American's are facing today, especially with this pandemic? Yes. Do I think communism of all damn things is the cure all we've been "praying" for? FUCK NO! 

There's a REASON communism has never actually worked out in the utopian way some niave fools think it would "if it was just done right". There's a reason anyone who values human life & freedom has a visceral hatred of communism. 

Have you people seriously not comprehended history? The atrocities that are considered necessary to force a country into communism? The horrific outcomes? Are people really this niave & outright stupid? 

Communism is NOT the answer. It has no place whatsoever in America. And Socialism is one step below Communism so yeah no thanks on that as well. 

Capitalism isn't perfect, nothing is, but its still the best system we've got. 

Life isn't fair and it's about time people understood that. Instead of whining about it, people need to learn to play the game. You get what you work for, end of story. Its not a hard concept. 

Will there be some who play better than others? Of course. And there are plenty of manipulative evil fucks who make it to the top. 

As someone who has personally been a victim of a good handful of bullshit, unfair situations (and still counting) I GET the anger. I GET the desire to make change. 

But I also get that curling up and feeling sorry for myself, expecting someone else to come and save me, blaming others (even rightfully) instead of pulling up my big girl panties has NEVER gotten me ANYWHERE. 

I get what I work for. What I FIGHT for. And when I do I know damn well that I've EARNED it and I'll be DAMNED if that ends in me having to give up what I've earned with blood, sweat, & tears to the "collective" because I've been FORCED to. 

In America I have every RIGHT to CHOOSE what to do with what is MINE. Whether that is being "selfish" and keeping it for myself or giving some of what I've got to those who need it. 

When I give, I do not feel bitter about it. I feel GOOD about it. I know what its like to go without, to be downtrodden, to have life beat you down and shit not be fair. And I know what the kindness of others feels like in those moments. I give because I care. 

But I have NEVER been so entitled as to think anyone should be forced to give to me. Not people and not the government. And its pathetic and twisted that anyone does. 

People who are for communism are not only niave as fuck, but entitled as fuck as well. Communism is not synonomous with "Kumbaya" and the world doesn't owe you a goddamn thing. 

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Reply by JD_Jakie


I was just responding to your post of a satirical article about food shortages under communism/socialism with some facts about hunger in America. 50 Million people potentially going hungry is no small number, that is just shy of 1 in 6 Americans! I'm not saying that Soviet or North Korean style communism has to be the answer to that problem. However, this racially tinged vitriol coming from the right about everybody who is poor just being lazy, deficient, and therefore deserving of their hardship is downright repugnant. Some people work 3 jobs and still can't make ends meet, let alone be able to afford healthcare. The conservative media then takes one example of a poor person who has "cheated" the system and build popular support to cut any kind of social programs, while CEO's laugh all the way to the bank with their tax havens and wage theft of the same workers who support the republicans because they think immigrants are coming to take their jobs and gays are putting chemicals in the water. Nobody is asking you to be perfect or always use the correct terminology in your private life, and good for you that you were able to find your way through your life's hardships, but you should at least acknowledge that certain factors may have made it easier for you than for others. It's up to you to decide what you want to do to make things better...I assume you do want the world to be a better place. By the way, if you're not a multimillionaire/billionaire property owner, you shouldn't have too much to fear during a leftist revolution (where the police won't be as nice to us as they were to Trump's supporters), but until then, we are coming for your toothbrush Anna Mae!

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Reply by Anna Mae


Your response makes a bit more sense now, though always responding with something intensely serious to humor is... Well annoying. Its annoying when people do that. 

I understand perfectly well that things are getting worse in America right now but when you think about it, a LOT of it is a direct result of convincing people that they are victims and instead of working to make their situations better, they should blame someone else and demand more free shit. "Blame the white man!" "Blame rich people!" "Blame Capitalism!" Ffs. 

I could blame all men, toxic masculinity, the patriarchy for the fact that that I was raped, but what fucking good does blaming innocent people & feeling sorry for myself do? Thats what Leftists and Feminists would have me do. Instead I punished the monster who did what he did, and went on to have a beautiful baby girl that I devoted my life to loving and providing for. The only logical thing to do. And I don't treat random, decent men as if they're monsters too simply because they have a fucking penis. 

I could blame the rich for the fact that I am poor, but would that put more money in my pocket? No. Working toward a better job/career would do that. I DO have the ability to rise above my station, thanks to Capitalism. Its no one else's job to make sure I have what I need to provide for myself and my family. Its MY job. 

I could blame my childhood & my mother's failed relationships for the fact that my marriage didn't work out, but that wouldn't give my kids parents who are happy together. But I did do the hard things to reduce trauma for my kiddos, worked hard to find a way to be friends with their daddy, and found a way for everyone to be happy and healthy in the end.

We all have problems and challenges. Its how you handle them that makes or breaks you. 

As for your criticism of the Right, I'm not even going to deny it. All politicians & elitists are shitheads and snakes. I allow myself to be lumped in with the Right because the Left has lost its damn mind and gone entirely too far. I can't stand with them at this point. And from my perspective, the Right is closer to what I believe the ideal is. Its as simple as that. 

For all the shit I give Leftists, I give just as much shit to the Right. Just on different issues. Once upon a time I could be considered in the middle, or Independent, or whatever Labels are what they are. 

Either way socialism and communism aren't the answer. IMO a MASSIVE scaling back of our government & hella restrictions put on them so they can never get this big & ridiculously powerful again is a damn good start. 

Of course anyone who wants the government to fix it for us isn't going to agree. 

When it comes down to it, the virus didn't shut our economy down, the government did. And who benefited? The elites. Big corporations. Who suffered? The little guys. Small businesses. People who were already at poverty level. Our household feels the blow just as much as anyone else's. 

But more government? More attacks on our freedoms? Not helping. 

And as they divide us further while pretending to call for unity they are attacking our freedoms from every angle, staging as many power grabs as they can while we're not looking. While we're too busy fighting amongst ourselves and wondering if our town will be the next to be destroyed by "social justice" riots. 

And this witch hunt set on right wingers? Well you can't really blame us for noticing similarities between the beginning of the Nazi regime & whats happening in America today. Anyone who knows history well can see it clear as day. 

And while all of this is going on, they're hand feeding us scraps, making us believe they're here to save us, while creating further chaos & destroying our freedoms & rights with the other hand. 

Its disgusting watching people get led around by their noses, led by emotion, so easily being manipulated. 

Ex. The Liberals being trained to be a rabid mob on demand. Useful idiots. And they don't stop to think that the very people who hold their leash will inevitably turn on them once they've outlived their usefulness. 

We need to put a stop to these MFs and trying to give them MORE power isn't going to do that. It makes ZERO sense. And trying to make it to where others are forced to give us their stuff isn't going to fucking fix it either. Further dividing our people with social justice insanity isn't going to fix any goddamn thing. Trying to destroy the Right isn't helping either. 

I mean really, what the HELL does the Left think they're doing to actually help with any of the real (not imagined or made up) issues America faces today? Because from where I sit they're only making it worse and (possibly unknowingly) pushing our country to the brink of Civil War. 

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Reply by UniqueFreak


Socialism is un-American I once heard.

Looking out for each other: making sure everyone in society has a say, can thrive and actively participate in society, has food, shelter, healthcare and education is un-American?

Oh, wait...nvm.

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Reply by Anna Mae


Unique Freak - If you want socialism and America to be a carbon copy of European countries, just do those of us who actually like our home a favor and leave. America has its own set of problems but it's unique and we like it here, flaws and all. People like you have PLENTY of places on earth that would satisfy your wish list, this is the only place of its kind, stop trying to turn it into something else. Socialism IS UnAmerican. I mean... Duh. 

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Reply by Anna Mae


Also do some research on Socialism & its place in history before you go spouting nonsense at random people on the internet. Your ignorance & naivety are showing. 

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Reply by UniqueFreak


"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

"The New Colossus", Emma Lazarus, 1883

A golden door that should mean something better...not a freedom for those who live in America to starve, to be disenfranchised, to be descriminated against.

But I'm sure by criticising my post you're not suggesting that people having food, shelter, healthcare, education and a say in their lives is a bad thing?

I'm sure you support those ideas. Actively.

Don't you?

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Reply by Anna Mae


Loving your virtue signalling. Definitely makes me feel like a bad person for supporting American ideals & being against socialism & communism. You win.  

Thinking people don't fall for such poorly laid out manipulation tactics, but nice try kid. 

Go pick up a history book and maybe then you can sit at the table with the adults.

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Reply by PsychicFat


You don't respond to any points people make.

You literally only degrade people.

It's you who needs to read a history book, not us. There's a reason you aren't debating faithfully, because you can't. You can't and you know it, and you're taking it out by espousing your rhetoric on a forum created in Germany about American exceptionalism. It's gross and narcissistic and it's people like you that give the US a bad name lmao

Bet you voted for Trump too lol

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Reply by Anna Mae


I don't give a sense of validity to rabid liberals, for good reason. I have zero shame in that. Y'all don't argue in good faith you just spout propaganda, discredit people based on "they don't follow the popular narrative/agree with me", and throw out as many preapproved insults as you can. Why in the world would I bother? 

Also I didn't create this group to debate whether socialisim/communism was good or not. I didn't come here to debate whether I'm a racist or a Nazi or not for thinking socialisim/communism in America is a bad thing. So if I choose to troll idiots coming in here trying to do just that, well thats my right. 

Another point, as far as I'm aware this page wasn't made to insult American's or make a point about "American Exceptionalism". Its a reboot of MySpace. Not a political statement. If you have some solid proof that I'm wrong about that, feel free to share. 

This forum was made for the sole purpose of discussing whether or not communism is being pushed in America and how. If you'd like to discuss THAT you're in the right place. If you're here to push the idea that communism is good and belongs in America - well you're simply in the wrong place. 

Also for clarity, I didn't vote for Trump. Not in 2016 and not in 2020. But even if I did, its irrelevant to your argument. Case in point about trying to discredit & insult people based on disagreement. ✌

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Reply by PsychicFat


"rabid liberals"

Dude liberals are the bane of my existence, don't come at me saying me or ANY of the others arguing with you in this thread are liberals lmao

But yeah anyway

It's cool watching your responses say the same thing but in different ways. You could just tell us you refuse to hear anyone out because we don't fit your racist vision for the US

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Reply by JD_Jakie


Anna Mae, I respect you sharing your personal trauma and I'm happy that you were able to successfully go after the the person who hurt you and move on with your life. Not every survivor of sexual abuse can say that. I know it couldn't have been easy to go through and you have my unconditional support there.

Now, I'm curious to know what freedoms, besides public health/Covid related closures and restrictions which I admit can often seem to be random do you think are being taken away from you by leftists? If it is freedom of speech, you should know that no US government institution to this day has a right to take that away from you under the first amendment. However, public perception is another matter and there can be consequences to what one says in a public setting, including some of the aspects of cancel culture in its current form, which are also protected by that same first amendment. As unpleasant as that can be, you will not be jailed or sanctioned for it by the government, unless it is proven in a court of law as being conspiracy to commit murder or sedition. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not doing any of that. Private organizations, think Facebook and Twitter and one's employer however have more rights to refuse service or employment to anyone as they deem fit. This is a right that conservatives have even fought for for years. Remember the gay wedding cake debacle? Hell, they even thought it necessary to declare corporations as people via the Citizens United ruling in the supreme court, which allows corporations to funnel even more money and resources to political parties.

More often than not, it seems that people who rally for "small government" have no problem with increased spending on police and colonial warfare, as well as private prisons.

I'm sorry, but there is no witch hunt against conservatives. Many marginalized people across the board feel rightly threatened by conservative and sometimes outright fascist policies, expressed in an increase of police presence in black and latino neighborhoods, private prisons, unequal sentencing for drug crimes and petty misdemeanors, ICE immigration roundups, labor exploitation, threats to LGBT+ rights, and an utter deterioration of the social contract that has accelerated since the Reagan years. And yes, there are people who see the spectre of communism as a better alternative to this status quo. Just because you find some aspects of woke or cancel culture to be asinine, does not mean that you should just turn around and support or tacitly condone oppression. Not everything is black and white.

If you want to talk about who is affected by fascist policies, why don't you ask the kids in cages at the border who are freezing and subject to abject horrors, even under the Biden administration? But to compare the repression, or repercussions that some right wingers may face for their rhetoric to Nazi Germany is completely out of line and an insult to the victims of the Holocaust, including the members of my family whose names I will never even know. 

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Reply by Anna Mae


There it is, the default insult. You got me. Totally racist.  

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