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Is there anyway to put images in a specific spot?

I wanted to add images specifically here just so that i can cover the blog stuff as I don't plan to make blogs, but whenever i try, the images either: 

Move when I scroll

when i fix the code to make it not scroll it goes in the area where i placed the code, for exp: people i wanna meet. 

Or whenever i place it in the About me, it just doesn't show up at all.

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Reply by bakedbeans:)


i think if you make the position attribute absolute. it should stay in one place but also move when you scroll.

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Reply by bakedbeans:)


then you can use like the distances with the top, left right or bottom attributes to get it to move to the position over blog. I recommend using % of screen instead of pixels because then i dont think its position will move as much if the screen size changes but i you don't mind that use pixels because its a bit easier.

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