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The Return of Myspace?

Posted by Oddit-T


Forum: Friends

Can this be the return of a site that once fill our time with social greatness over the internet? Have you ever used Mysapce before or is this the first time you been exposed to something of this kind? Will you stay here? 

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Reply by Oddit-T



So as day one closes on using the "Myspace" reboot, I find it so nostalgic that it brings back the excitement of how i felt back then. Using the internet for socializing and exploring new things. It was a different time for sure but beyond that it was new to me because at this time i never really knew what the internet was. Finding out we can talk to people from anywhere and anytime. Learn something from those people and have customized web pages that reflect us? It was all too new and all to fun. I had to figure it all out again but just like back then I had some help from good people to revive the feeling. 

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