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How do you change the interest box, contact box, and blurb strip colors? Please help!

Posted by xxFrostxx


Forum: SpaceHey

Hey guys, I am new here and kinda just getting into messing with HTML again. How would I change the color of my Interest Box, contact box, and the little blurb strip in orange on my profile? I have been at this for hours, so any helpful advice would be great, thx. :) If anyone could drop a code that says where to insert the stuff, I will appreciate you forever. <3

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Reply by suki


interests heading:

.profile .table-section .heading {
background: #insertcolorhere;
border-color: #insertcolorhere;

contact heading:

.profile .contact .heading {
background: #insertcolorhere;

contact box (and the border around both the box and heading):

.profile .contact .heading {
background: #insertcolorhere;
border-color: #insertcolorhere;

blurbs heading:

.profile .blurbs .heading {
background: #insertcolorhere;
color: #inserttextcolorhere;

also I noticed this on your profile - make sure all your CSS is contained in <style> tags!

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Reply by xxFrostxx


Thank you so much, I will try this! 

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