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Rattieeees! πŸ€πŸ˜πŸ€πŸ˜πŸ€

Posted by Anna Mae


Forum: Pets and Animals

A place to talk about pet rats! (NOT FEEDERS, PETS!) πŸ€

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Reply by Anna Mae


Once I figure out how to put photos on here I plan to share pics of all my babies. And yes I said ALL meaning I have a LOT of ratties.Β 

It all started with my teenage "foster" daughter bringing home a small rat a little over a year ago and begging to keep it. Her mother's snake wouldn't eat it (long story on the mother thing).Β 

6 months ago, nearly 7 now, she died, and I was left with a rat to care for. I didn't know shit about them so when I came out of my grief enough I started researching. The poor little guy was depressed and I figured out why, she had been his only companion and rats need friends. So I rescued some rats that were meant to be feeders right.

Turns out the 2 females were preggers. Oops lol. So I did even more research. They had their babes 4 days apart and we had a LOT of baby rats to keep an eye on!

And of course I feel head over heels in love with each and every one of them.Β 

So... We have a lot of rats lol. I am trying to downsize due to cage care being a bit overwhelming, I have 4 young kiddos and a lot on my plate, so 2 of the boys have a new home. But the rest are still here and we absolutely love them to death. Who knew I was a rat person? lol.Β 

We have :Β 
Kenny (late daughter's rat)
Mara (mom)
Enid (mom)Β 


Cream Puff

So I guess at this point that's 16 ratties. Yikes lol. We are still learning, every day, but I can tell you this, I don't think we'll ever go back to not having a good sized bunch of ratties in our home.Β 

We've socialized the babes since the day they were born so they're super friendly and cuddly. They each know their names and love when mama sings to them. I really don't know how the hell I ever thought having pet rats was weird. They're just AMAZING pets.Β 

If anyone could help me figure out how to dull those razor sharp nails though that would be great because I'm covered in scratches lol. I got Kaytee lava ledges but they barely seem to be helping. Any advice on that would be appreciated! For now though I'll gladly deal with a few scratches to enjoy the company of these wonderful little critters.Β 

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Reply by 333H3llBl4ckC4t666


Rats, rats, we are the rats, celebrating another birthday bash! MI CHELΒ  it's your birthday today! Cake and ice cream is on it's way, and MI CHEL you've been a good boy this year! Open up your presents while we all cheer!

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Reply by fyolai’s love child


I LOVE RATS SO MUCH AGH (not sewer rats yuckers) AGHHHHHHHHHHH

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Reply by Sam


I love rats so much! I wish there wasn't so much stigma around them.

Did anyone see this article that just came out recently? Apparently rats have the power of imagination!

I've had eight rats total, but sadly, I'm down to my last two :( <3

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