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Unpopular Opinions About Sonic

Posted by LeoStrife


Forum: Super Sonic Club Group

I have a few, but I think that my most unpopular opinion about Sonic is that we don't need Sonic Adventure 3. I think that Sonic Adventure and Sonic adventure 2 were good enough to be two of the greatest games of the franchise, and making a new game and calling it "Sonic Adventure 3" would ruin the name of Sonic Adventure if it's not up to par with both of the previous games. Plus, in my opinion, the adventure games had their third game with Sonic '06, since the game mechanics and storytelling (not story) are very similar to both Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2. If Sonic '06 was actually a good game, I'm sure people would say it's technically Sonic Adventure 3.

(Picture by: ResidentEvilffs)

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Reply by Aiko


Sonic Forces Wasn't That Bad..

Sonic Forces is considered a low point by many, but some fans defend it, ( like me ) arguing that the character customization was a great addition, and the soundtrack was solid.

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Reply by Ceci


Reply by Connelly <3


I have a couple. My first one is that SILVER ISN'T FUCKING UNDERRATED HES LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST BELOVED CHARACTERS IN THE SERIES. Also sonic 06 isn't that bad- I've never played the game because I GENUINELY CANT but ive always been a story> game mechanics person because idgaf about video games tbh. The story is interesting and well thought out and Elise is a genuinely interesting character concept. The only real problem with the game is THE MECHANICS. I feel like, since technology is so much better now than it was 20 years ago, I feel like they could clean up the code a bit (to fit modern tech) and the game wouldn't be as laggy. Also if they like. took out the zoophilia that would be nice. But yeah hot take if sonic 06 wasn't rushed it would be a good game- it's fun to watch the cutscenes so. 

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Reply by mismortal


Not sure how unpopular this opinion is, but the animation from Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is pretty good!! At least compared to other 3D sonic games around at the time, it was really expressive and smooth, shame the game wasn't as good :((

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