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something out there is calling.

very odd opener, I apologize.

but, to kind of give a backstory, a few weeks ago some friends and I went out into the woods for fun. looking for deer to snap pics of or whatever... anyway, we all split into pairs of two (about six of us all together so like 3 pairs? idk) I was with my friend Cole when I kept hearing someone call my name. I assumed at first it was my other friends fucking with me because we just do that.

roughly, it was at the latest midnight when this started. first it was one very faint "mark!". Almost panicked, but when I went to turn around, I got this strong feeling not to walk in that direction, so I didn't. Cole heard it too...

time goes on, time as in like fifteen minutes and it happens again but this time it was drawn out almost, like "maarrrrss...", like a taunt. this time I felt a strong urge to turn around, but I didn't want to. once again, Cole heard it and dismissed it as our other friend who thrives in scaring people. so, I did what was sensible and called said friend. only to find out they were down by some water. for context, Cole and I were standing kind of in a blank space in these woods... like an open area. it was a thirty or so minute walk until you would get to said water that this friend was currently by. 

I asked him to be real, that I was scared (which I was) ... and he swore up and down he wasn't around us. I trusted him... and it was like 1am until we started to head back. but as Cole and I neared everyone else while they waited out on the road. I heard it again... but like right behind my left ear. almost like a yell into my ear. like... "MARS!" and I stopped and turned around, I don't think I should have because when I did, I felt so...ill and cold. now, I was in the woods, but I was bundled up and wasn't cold at all before this... until that moment. 

a cold sweat almost. it was just..one of those weird "holy shit" feelings. like i had just made a terrible decision. and since then, every time I'm outside I hear like..a faint whisper. a small, tiny voice saying my name. but it wasn't repetitive, and it never came in a pattern. 

the woods incident had been around thanksgiving-Ish, so maybe not like a few weeks ago, but either way I don't know what to do about this because like... since that, not only did i hear my name and stuff but also like... I got super sick and stuff (possible coincidence) and even know like i have those sick tremors. a terrible cough... like I'm infected with something odd. 

if anyone who sees this has a reasonable explanation to what the hell happened, please do share that with me.

if you made it thus far, thank you for reading.

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Reply by DOHU


I dont know much of this but i am religous-im not tryna be one of those strictly weird ones- but i have heard of these types of mini demons called jinns that sometimes would taunt people especially out in the woods at nigh-btw why in the motherflip were u out at 1am?- anyways they do these because these demons come out at sunset all till sun rise. girl be careful and please for the love of god dont go out roaming around a 1 am in some forest 

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Reply by tristen


girly, that's horrifying lmao 
i dunno what that is, but it sounds like you need to do some sort of cleanse with sage or something

black lace

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