We use a third party service to host Sunnyville, so we rely on donations to keep being able to afford upgrades to accommodate our rapidly growing playerbase!
Instead of implementing donor ranks, keys, and crates, we have a pay what you want system to keep these perks accessible. You may donate as often as you want for as much as you want but you get these perks only once permanent when you donate!
Any donation of 3$ or more will grant the following perks:
✦ 3 Extra Plots + the ability to merge them
✦ unlimted homes (/sethome)
✦ access to your enderchest at any time with /enderchest
✦ Flight in the Plotworld
✦ Ability to use hex codes in Nicknames
✦ Access to the /Hat command
✦ Access to the /Itemname command and the ability to add colors to your item names
✦ Access to plot flags, and the ability to change things about your plot
✦ A VIP tag in front of your Nickname
if any of this interests you, leave a donation on Kofi! Make sure to include your Minecraft username in your donation message so we know who to give the role to!
Q: "Can I donate on behalf of other members if I already donated and want to donate more?"
A: yes!
Q: "Will there be extra perks if I donate more?"
A: nope! we do not have a tier based donation system. However, we do allow people to donate 3$ per additional plot they would like to claim. the default limit for VIPS is 4, but some people insist on having more!
Q: "Do I need to donate monthly to keep the role?"
A: no! once you donate, you get VIP for as long as the server exists. based on the amount of donations we are getting, that is going to be a very long time LOL
Q: "Will VIP always be 3$?"
A: yes!