I've always loved lavender, and the smell of fresh baked goods is amazing, but I think my favorite smell is when you go outside at the beginning of winter, when the air first starts to chill. Idk what it is but it smells like christmas.
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QOTD #4: What are your top 3 favorite scents? [closed]
13 Replies
Reply by ☆ Sonic !!
Oh! Well, i mostly spent my time in the ancient lockdown days picking the flowers in my dad's garden and i rlly like the smell of periwinkle and lemon leaves! Oh, and does the smell of old books count lol?
Reply by Rocío ;p
my favourite scents are when you can tell a dessert has vanilla essence by the aroma hahaha, lavender, and petrichor/rain smell
Reply by cameron🦇
Reply by melly
demeter mulled cider if were talking fragrance spray.
scent in general is probably gasoline though... its just so yummy
Reply by Aiko
I like the smell of my mom's perfume, I have no idea what is it but when I smell it, I always feel better, and if one day I wouldn't be able to smell it anymore then I don't know what I'll do
Reply by uncleonion♪
fresh local-grown strawberries, muffins when you smell them up close, fast food (for the first minute)
Reply by mismortal
Reply by Angelito🫐
Reply by LeoStrife
I'm terrible recognizing scents, but most of my favorite perfumes have cedarwood notes so that'll be one lol. I also love lemon and frozen pear. I love when they mix cedarwood and frozen pear.
Reply by Ceci
Reply by Marisol
Reply by SunshinePIRRATA
Reply by Kenny_is_dead_again💨
Mi olor favorito es pelo quemado libros viejos
Yun perfume que tengo que es dulce y fuerte a la ves y es muy juvenil que se llama MEOW es full rico (。・//ε//・。)(ʃƪ^3^)