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ps2 horror games

Posted by beez


Forum: Games

who has played haunting ground? ive heard its hard but i still would love to play it. I would love to own it physically but its like fucking $10000. i just love the ps2 era games, i love that emulators exist <3  i still need to play the silent hill 2 remake too, ive heard its really good. when i first started playing these games i thought id never be able to get over tank control but honestly i got the hang of it pretty easy. what are yalls favorite ps2 games? or just any 7th gen and below? 

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Reply by Edgar Allan Hoe


Not horror or rare but I want to say Gran Turismo 4 is one of my most played ps2 games on native hardware. I'm not really big on racing games or cars but I love the visuals and elegance of it the series is known for. The smooth menu music is so good.

I have sh2 collectors edition and i loved it so much. Too bad I bought it second hand and the disc sometimes stutters on cutscenes. It always happens at the scene with maria behind bars at the frame where she's looking straight at the viewer. Adds to the scariness tbh. I really want to get silent hill 4 but I can't find a copy of it anywhere and online listings always seem fishy or not for my region. One time I nearly bought a copy where the case was written in French! No matter how rare it is I won't settle for anything less than good condition case + manual.

Kuon also looks pretty good, it's also infamous for being super rare and expensive you must've heard about it. But I doubt I'll ever buy it.

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Reply by apollonianTears


Personally I adore Haunting Ground, but my heart will always belong to SH3. I've only ever played the game on pc but when I get around to modding my ps2 It's the first I'm doing is playing that on an old crt. I'd love to get my hands on a copy of either game secondhand one day but I'm not willing to drop $400 on one rn. PCSX2 is a godsend.

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