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erm did we all jst forget about spacehey ??

so erm did we all jst forget about space hey ? bc i don’t see a lot of ppl talk bout it !! erm and i kinda wanna bring it back :,( 


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Reply by Bleemie


The site will forever remain somewhat obscure or just not well known 

But for this who do know know yk

If yk yk 

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Reply by Octopus Enjoya


rn it's basically some secret cave , almost no one mentions it , but many know it exists
i wish spacehey was more famous than insta, using it it's so cool :(

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Reply by Seathan


I remember exactly why Myspace got so well known. It was because everyone that was on it would tell their real life friends about it and also ask everyone they knew "are you on Myspace?" and if not they would talk them into it.

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Reply by Emeraldo


i just got back from doing le college.. im sure it probably has surges like other social medias!

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