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Help! Code changes/disapears when I save

Posted by Milo


Forum: SpaceHey

At first, everything was working totally fine. Unfortunately, now I'm experiencing an error where when I enter code on my About Me section, it doesn't save. It seems like it reverts back to a previous stage of the editing process and removes all my changes.

I tried deleting everything from the About Me section and it worked fine, saving the empty section. However, as soon as I add more code it does the same thing and the outdated code appears again, replacing whatever I typed.

I've been coding using a Google Doc and the Spacehey preview tester to make sure I don't lose any of my progress and it works fine there, the bug just seems to apply to the actual website. I tried logging in from an incognito browser but it did the same thing.

I'm really bummed because I've made a lot of progress working on my layout through the tester but I just can't get it to actually work on the website because of the bug which won't save my edits. Has anyone had this same issue, and if so, do you know how to fix it?

I love this platform and I know it's a small server with a lot of people so there are bound to be issues, I just want to know if there's a way I can get around it so I can actually publish my layout.

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