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thoughts on dead internet theory?

Posted by j


Forum: General

the other day i heard about the thing where facebook and instagram are going to replace their userbase with bots, so that bots can take up nearly all engagement on the site, for like whatever reasons. what do you guys think about that? does this even affect us at all? should we rational real people just flood the woods and live off grid? would love to know also this is my first hour on the site, looks cool.

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Reply by elijah



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Reply by ScrapBlox


For sure a true thought sadly..

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It's very real already. Look at the replies on any big Tweet and they will be permeated by a bunch of obvious bots, either saying jumbled garbage or repeating the same thing another person already said. Strangely, they all usually seem to be verified users.

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Reply by deshio


Its ultra weird but true. I just dont get one thing which is the advertisement revenue from these bots which will be like none. And what does it give? Maybe being able to pull the informational strings and make people read/believe in what the company does? Why do they care is the most valuable question in my opinion to which I dont know the answer.

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Reply by fshaa


Its a pretty scary thought. I mean its already near impossible to differentiate content that could be being posted by a bot or by a real person on those platforms and now actually allowing bots would be insane. faking human interaction on a social media platform is batshit crazy.

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Reply by fshaa


Its a pretty scary thought. I mean its already near impossible to differentiate content that could be being posted by a bot or by a real person on those platforms and now actually allowing bots would be insane. faking human interaction on a social media platform is batshit crazy.

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