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Posted by Rosecat


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Hai everyone!! I'm very new here & this is my first time messing around with any kind of HTML. I thought it'd be super cute to have lace borders on the boxes of my profile (Blurbs, Friend Space, Interests, Contact). Is there any way to do that? I've seen people with themes that dramatically alter the shape & colors of their boxes so I know it's not completely out of the question, I just don't know how to do it & the guides I've got up aren't helping either. Thanks in advance !! ♡ ♡ 

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Reply by carbon <3


take a look at my profile and see if you're talking about something like what i did for my profile picture / besties!

in general, you'll want to use border-image to set an image for the border of an element

let's say you are targeting the main element, it would look something like:

:root {
--lace-border-width: 16px; /* you can edit this depending on the image you choose! */
--lace-border-url: url("put your url here!");

main {
border-image: var(--lace-border-url) var(--lace-border-width) round;
border-image-width: var(--lace-border-width);

hope this helps!
⌬ benzene <3

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Reply by Rosecat


thanks so much for the help!! unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working for me but I realize that if I want to have a border for the boxes in my profile i'll probably have to either find or make graphics that are the dimensions i need, which is a lot of ughghhghhgh lol. If I find the time & energy to do that then i'll def. try it out but for right now I think I'll just put on some lacey dividers & call it a day, and I'll keep the code in my profile for when i'm ready to try again. Tysm for the help though, i appreciate it !!!

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