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how do you get into paganism, satanism, witchcraft, etc?

I'm not necessarily religious, but I really want to get into something like paganism, La Santa Muerte, and/or witchcraft however, there's no like holy text or instructions like the Quran or like a pastor guiding you along on your journey to becoming a pagan or a witch or some follower. And also are there any secretive/ subtle ways practicing of anything? My parents and the majority of my family are catholic (some more devoted than others) and I don't know how they would feel about that kind of stuff. 

one last question, could you believe in more than one different type of religious texts, lords and all those type of things? just curious :P

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Reply by Phasewaves


Alright, so you wanna know how to get into Paganism? Well first off, you get into Paganism by just researching it yourself. Ride that high of curiosity and research it yourself, learn it's origins, learn it's multiple practices and research which branch of Paganism you want to delve into. (I recommended watching many YouTube videos for this)

Do note that you must also ask yourself MANY questions while exploring and expanding upon your own spirituality, such as "Do I want to work with different Deities? If so, which ones? The Norse, Greek or maybe various religious ones? Also, What's the difference between Wicca and Paganism; and why does Witchcraft tie into both of these practices?" 

Trust me when I say that diving into all of this is VERY fun and exciting, as well as nerve racking; But it is SO worth it. So go one, keep asking your questions.
Question your reality and spirituality, it will benefit


Also, regarding your other question; Yes, you can believe in multiple deities/beliefs while also following your own path. (Look at the definition of Agnostics & Occultism).

Personally I prefer describing myself as a Spiritualist and Occultist because it's much easier for other people to understand xD.

Hope this helped! If you have anymore questions then I am willing to answer them.

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Reply by Snail


I would first ask yourself why it is that you feel a draw to alternative forms of religion which you have no prior connection to. If you don't consider yourself a really religious person i feel like you would have difficulty adhering to an in depth spiritual practice with real obligations. May be something more similar to Chaos Magick could be more up your alley? 

There is no instructor you can go to or a building that can set you on a spiritual path, at least not one like I believe you're hinting towards. There are plenty of resources online at the tip of your fingers though! Countless YouTube channels make content on esoteric practices and spirituality. You need to ask yourself what you're looking for, is it community? a feeling of control or power over yourself? do you want to do magic operations or focus more on devotional work with a chosen spirit or deity? A spiritual practice could be daily meditation, quiet prayer in your head, drawing seals and sigils on the inside of your shoes or phone case. There are endless possibilities!!

I would also definitely recommend listening to the Glitch Bottle podcast, it leans more towards the western esoteric category but there's episodes on Santa Meurte, Esoteric Catholicism, and Paganism.

Along with that I would recommend the book Consorting With Spirits by Jason Miller. It isnt designed to be your first book, but it gives fantastic guides for basic rituals and prayers to a variety of spirits and deities pagan and Christian.

Oh also, yes you can believe in whatever you want to believe in, while some systems of belief may have stipulations about the worship of other dieties its up to you to find your own justification for your induvidual practice

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Reply by Kodeb8


Paganism, satanism, and witchcraft, are separate things (especially Satanism). I know that a lot of people use paganism and witchcraft interchangeably, but I've always felt paganism should be used to refer to the ancient pre-Christian religions. There's many of those out there and most of them have some kind of revival or reconstructionist movement, (for example Hellenism, Heathenry, Kemetism, etc.) if any of those interest you, there's loads of resources online you can use to learn about them.

As for witchcraft, pretty much all modern occult, magick, or witchcraft practices, including Wicca and chaos magick, can all be traced back to Aleister Crowley. I should note that I am a fan of Crowley and I consider myself a Thelemite, so I'm not entirely unbiased here, but if you ask me, Crowley is one of the best ways to get into that sort of thing. Crowley provides a good foundation for exploring the world of witchcraft, magick, etc.

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Reply by ♱𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚜


Magic and occult knowledge isn't for "curious people", but for those who NEEDS knowledge and wants to understand the universe.

Otherwise, you'll be drawn into some crazy sects and this kind of  shit.

But if u really want to understand the universal laws behind supernatural, I would recommend u reading "Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie", however it is called in english.

Then, after reading it, you'll be able to discover how to actually work with pagan gods, witchcraft and all of this. There's many occultists that devoted themselves to work with and study paganism.

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