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is there a way to change my profile font without using google fonts? i’m fairly new to html and still not completely sure about how it works. i want to change the font on my layout but i don’t want to use google fonts due to how limited it is and i was wondering whether i could import a font via fontsgeek or cufonfonts or really any of the font download sites. i havent found anything on the internet about using them on spacehey specifically and i know that spacehey can be particular about code sometimes. if it isn’t possible to do this then let me know and if it is possible could you explain how?? thank you :3

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Reply by carbon <3


yes! you would need to host the font somewhere, then you could use a standard @font-face directive to point to the font

something like:

@font-face {
font-family: 'you can call this whatever';
src: url('point this to wherever you hosted your font file');

* {
font-family: 'put the name of the font-family property above here';

it is not too hard to do but it's a bit labor intensive, especially if it's your first time doing it

hope this helps!
⌬ benzene <3

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Reply by CAL / SIMON ⚕️


thank you so much!! <3

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