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What do you think will happen if two Yandere get into a relationship?

Posted by Necuma


Forum: Yandere ♡ Group

What would happen if two Yandere minded people get into a relationship?

I am asking myself that question for a long time.

I have 3 possible outcomes that would make sense in my opinion:

  1. They live together isolated from everyone and everything in wich one or both have a home office job to not leave the house and if they do for shopping food or other stuff they lay handcuffs on.
  2. They do double suicide to ever lasting with their parter.
  3. After committing ones a murder they both live on the run constantly killing or stealing to live without a job.

What do think about that or do you have other ideas?

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Reply by xXPiercedPrincessXx


arent there already multiple webtoons ab this? like Head over Heels and Stalker x Stalker

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Reply by typemoon chan


I remember a short Manga about two yandere/stalkers fell in love with each other and it was so lovely,  me myself would really like to have a relationship like that hahaha

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Reply by Shinji


its kind of giving "the end of the fun***in world" vibezzzz James&Alyssa ngl

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