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Yandere ♡

Posted by Necuma


Forum: Romance and Relationships

Yandere :3


I love the concept of Yandere.

I think its the ultimate form of Love and in my opinion the whats called „REAL LOVE“!

I mean if you love someone so much that you are ready to kill others for them and isolate them to be the only one around them, than thats what i call LOVEE. Also you know everything about the person and you always want to see them in every situation they are at any time

If thats not real Love than there is no real Love!

I hope you think the same. And feel free to suggest me forums or sides or profiles with Yandere content :D

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3 Replies

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Reply by Len Bast


HONESTLY AGREED! i kinda have a thing for stalkers similarly  

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Reply by Nines


Reply by Cone.Unknown


There can be healthy yanderes, but more often than not they tend to be unhealthy. 

Destroying the person you love's friendships and isolating them isn't healthy, it can be hurtful and manipulative towards the person you care about. No "true love" should do that. No true love would feel so insecure over their partners slightest interactions with people. I'm sorry if you disagree with me, or find having someone unhealthily obsessed with you a true love but I severely don't 

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