I already felt like that once.
It was with my bestfriend. I was like super obsessed with her (she didn't know how much), and
couldn't spend a day without her. She was bsf with another girl I HATED and I really wanted to kill
her. Not in a way like "Oh nooo, they're too close I'm gonna kill herrr
" but like I genually wanted
her dead, and wanted to kill her myself.
I was obsessed w/ my bsf, and I would have done EVERYTHING for her. If she'd told me to jump off
a bridge I wouldn't even have hesitate. She was my reason to live, and I had genuine feelings for
her, like I don't think I've ever loved someone that much in my whole like. That wasn't romantic
feelings but I remember writing that I was like in love with her but in a friend version.
Anyways, that was weird ;-;
Now we're not friends anymore, we didn't talk for like a year and half and I DON'T want to be
friends again with her because she didn't behave very well and there was too much problems.
But I still think of her a lot, everyday, I see her everywhere we used to go together, and I hate this
situation because I know I'll never forget her but now I just see her everywhere ever since it's been
a longg time we didn't see eachother