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Unique Comic Book Artstyles

Y'know, I'm really into comics but I'm always picky about what I choose, and that's mainly because I really want to search for some somewhat obscure and/or any comic with different art styles. The ones I've read so far are Sam Kieth's the Maxx 1-3 (so far) since The Maxx himself has an unusually loud & proportionally exaggerated shape that gives him an up to front & clean yet dirty look on him. Plus the unique comic panels that heavily experiment around with panel lines being shaped in all sorts of sizes, plus the grainy, integrated feel of it all shows off the world's how atmosphere of a shattered, nearly run downed eclipse of the real world. The ones on my mind that I could read in the future are Scud & Tank Girl. Any other suggestions? Or perhaps your own experiences?

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Reply by xai3ne


"Sprite and the gardener" has a very unique style. It's quite overly cutesy which I like. It's a graphic novel and not a comic though. One that's more in comic style I like is "Belzebubs" but it's in a 4 panel style. A good manga with quite a unique style is "the girl from the other side" but that not a comic at all lol. So on the comic side I guess I can't answer your question. Silver sprocket and other zine shops sell stuff like that though. The only ones from there I have is the ones from Benji Nate who has a pretty cool art style so I can recommend that but once again hers are more graphic novels I guess? Gosh comics in Soho sell lots of cool comics and zines so if you live near there I'd recommend checking it out!

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Reply by Dart.3303


Thanks very much xai3ne! Gosh! is something I should keep in mind whenever I'm ready to order. I don't really live in the UK but I do have some slight interest from stuff by 2000 AD, mainly from their Judge Dredd series. In terms of Manga I haven't dug much into it but I have read the first issue of Clockwork Sky from the library before so manga is still something I might have to look forward too as well for inspirational purposes.

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Reply by xai3ne


woah, when my dad and I visited there recently we're talking about juge dredd the whole way back. both him and his brother were into it. his brother has a copy of the first 2000 AD he was trying to sell but as it didn't have juge dredd in it the copy wouldn't sell very well lolĀ 

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Reply by Dart.3303


Ah that's great! Also first 2000 AD of what? An encyclopedia or one of their much older books? Well, I was hyperfixated for Judge Dredd acter watching the first two movies. The first one was cheesy and pretty bad but I was really sucked into the look of the city and as well as the character designs (Mainly Hammerstein, really bold shapes he has!) That made me want to watch the 2012 reboot which eventually actually got me into buying a Judge Dredd comic. I just really loved the idea of a Judge, Jury, and Executioner all in one sort of special cop in the far future in desolated where they all judge any lawbreakers to either sentence them towards the iso-cubes that will break the most mentally stable or just downright execute them on the spot with their lawgiver. And the greatest of them all being Judge Dredd, an absolute man of the law which varies from being hero like, questionable, or just probably unfair. He's unique then months later I bought 5 of them for just 10$, I was trying to search for the Case Files 05 which would given me a good start until one of the comics I was reading actually "Judge Death" which also shows the first appearance of Judge Anderson, so that's a decent starting point I think.

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