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Toxicity Around Rhubarb Leaf Not What We Thought?
Sharing commentary on an article that was spotted in a group I'm in, on Rhubarb leaf today, because I like how the guy thinks. Just because a claim is made means nothing if the research isn't quoted with accessible sources, or understood in the balance of how the food might be eaten or in what quantities. When making claims ALWAYS include sources that people can easily access! Just parroting warnings with nothing to back them up often results in the parroting of fear-mongering because of a study that was taken out of context (such as how much of a food has to be eaten at one sitting to cause trouble, often far more than a person will actually eat).
Oxylates do have a place in the human diet and in food as medicine, but the saying applies: All things in moderation!!! Oh, and eat your antioxidants!