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Toxicity Around Rhubarb Leaf Not What We Thought?

Sharing commentary on an article that was spotted in a group I'm in, on Rhubarb leaf today, because I like how the guy thinks. Just because a claim is made means nothing if the research isn't quoted with accessible sources, or understood in the balance of how the food might be eaten or in what quantities. When making claims ALWAYS include sources that people can easily access! Just parroting warnings with nothing to back them up often results in the parroting of fear-mongering because of a study that was taken out of context (such as how much of a food has to be eaten at one sitting to cause trouble, often far more than a person will actually eat).

Oxylates do have a place in the human diet and in food as medicine, but the saying applies: All things in moderation!!! Oh, and eat your antioxidants!

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Reply by Melted Mallow


Your inability to understand it does not make it inaccessible.

And quoting poor sources of information just because you can understand them is poor form.

Literally none of this is true, unfortunately. There's plenty of research as to how oxalic acid works in the body and why it's not therapeutic, and if it's not "accessible" to you, then you're not really qualified to speak on it, are you? Like you should be able to understand the research if you're going to critique it, right?

Anyway, I'm an herbalist with an actual background in science, and people like you are so comically stupid that it's really difficult to want to share the professional space.

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Reply by Marilynn Dawson,NHP


Did you even click any of the supporting links in this piece, or just make assumptions without reading any of it?!  I am well aware of the research that has gone on in the past.  I'm also not stuck there.  There is much we can learn from the past and the present when it comes to digging up information.  Slander however, is definitely NOT professional, and I too have taken studies with a designation to show for it.  I have reported your response because it is highly unprofessional to slander others.  I am not going to return the favour.  If you don't like those who challenge commonly-held ideas, perhaps its better to block me than slander me.  You've only discredited yourself by leaving your reply out for others to see.

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