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About Being Against the Internet

I've noticed how chaotic things have become nowadays with the internet gradually taking over our day to day lives. It's almost unreal how much life we've lost to the screens before us.. deleting social media has made everything a lot more quiet and pleasing, but it genuinely sucks how everything relies on it now, and if you don't have a phone, you can consider yourself screwed. I feel almost alien with these feelings.. every time I try to talk about it to someone, they don't understand at all what I mean. Do you guys experience this? When did it become normal to fry your own brain? I just don't understand. I was very relieved to find a group like this on here LOL. How do you guys feel about the internet? Do any of you use flip phones? I've been considering opting for one instead of a touch screen. Why and how is it normal to be expected to deal with more people online after being out and about? Back then, once you got home, that was it. No more socializing for the day..
Anyway! I hope more projects start about rebelling against AI, social media, and the abuse of this insane network.

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7 Replies

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Reply by !Charlie!


I understand you!! It's really scary how it's almost impossible to live in society without using social media and the internet these days. I actually ended up trading my reasonably good cell phone for a 2011 flip phone and started using social media only at home on my laptop, and. I was teased a LOT by my friends, they really don't understand that this was my choice, etc. I also felt better when I found this group and this site as a whole.Β 

I'm tired of modern life.

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Reply by peanutrolls


I get you! For me now its gotten worse since graduating high school as uni requires verification software and I needed a new iphone as my old one was too old to download the app. And with work, if I want to pick up shifts I need messenger and all these apps now. So impractical and stressful to need to have a phone on you at all times. Often now when I leave to go to the shops or small trips I don't bring my phone and my friends and family are used to it now.

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Reply by empty_network


Tip: You can block everyone who is not a contact.

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Reply by beesilisk


I'm not on any of the popular social media platforms (unless you count tumblr, though ive been distancing myself from that too lately) and I don't regret it for a second. But being chronically offline does make navigating the world somewhat challenging. The internet was fun when it was on a computer in the corner of my parents' living room, but now everything expects me to download the App and be on the App and keep using the App and have the App in my pocket at all times and completely rely on the App and let my life revolve around the App even when it just makes me stressed and miserable. I don't think the internet is completely irredeemably horrible (I'm here using spacehey after all) but I find it frustrating that you can't opt out without having to find workarounds for the fact that you aren't always online. It's one of the reasons why I'm not ready to switch back to flip phones, but i know people who have made the switch and they have my deep respect.

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Reply by headfirstforhalozz


can i make a razr take 5g sim?? i want 2 buy oneΒ  but idk

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Reply by Ozzwald


I used to use a flip phone- still technically do since my current phone is a Galaxy Z Flip 4- but we know that doens't count.Β 

I plan on going back to a real one eventually.Β 

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yeah, i totally get what you mean! deleted it a year ago, but it is basically impossible to be without one in this day and age.Β  I mean, we even need phones in school, its crazy!! It's like there's no choice anymore. Like a silent rule, or obligation that no one speaks of, but looms over our heads, controlling our every decision without us even realizing! I really want a flip phone, and then I'd decorate it with cute stickers and paint it pink.... but not a good look for you if you're in high school..

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