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how do I get back into reading? :(

I used to be an avid reader years ago but I hit a block and have never been able to get back into it! 

my favourite book is George Orwells 1984, so I bought Fahrenheit 451 to try and get back into the dystopian government vibes but I still need some motivation to get through the first couple of pages 

does anyone have any advice for how I can get back into reading? thank you !!

ps. if u also like 1984 do you have any more book recs?

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Reply by maxxx ★


dude when i get in a big reading slump i revert back to some like middle grade books to keep it moving quickly. i switch to something that i know is fast paced, right now i've been reading the a series of unfortunate events series for the first time since i was like 9/10 and i've been breezing through them

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Reply by Meyoshi


I stopped reading somewhat around middle school/high school and just got back into it in 2023. I got back into reading-by-reading books with simple writing and short books, it really helped me get back into the groove of things ♡

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Reply by Minti


honestly i just have to make myself because you just need to make yourself read a few paged until your interest is peaked, thats what helps me anyways.

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Reply by holyfires


oof, i was in a really bad reading slump that lasted YEARS, but i got back into it by reading shorter books, easier to read in terms of style/genre/plot... 

revisiting older books you've enjoyed can be helpful, but my biggest advice for you (and what helped me the most) would be to switch things up, e.g. if you'd normally only read physical books, try ebooks instead (or vice versa), read during a different time of day than the one you're used to, create the perfect settings in which you could concentrate and focus on the book (maybe play some music, like... background noise/instrumental/classical etc.?) and making yourself physically comfortable and cozy; and most importantly, don't put too much pressure on yourself to read/finish something if you're not enjoying it. it's not really worth it tbh.

anyway, i hope you manage to get back into it and find what works best for you. i wish you good luck :)

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Reply by Crimson_CreepXX


I got to a point where I could not make myself read like ANYTHING for a good while. What really helped me though was reading fanfiction lol. If there's a movie or show that you like try to find a fic that sounds good. It really helped me to be able to transition back into reading actual books.

I also found that it's easier for me to read books online rather than physical copies, although that might just be the screen addiction talking lol. I just finished Animal Farm (Which is really good if you like political books) and I'm just about to finish Tender is the Flesh (It's a splatterpunk dystopian, I would have finished it sooner but it gets pretty disturbing sometimes so I have to take it pretty slow)! There's some good sites out there if you want to read books for free. I just type '[book title] free read' into google and a few things should come up! You might end up having to download a PDF of whatever book though.

Also, maybe try a new genre that you aren't used to! I stumbled upon a series on YouTube called Disturbing Book Reviews by Jules Dapper by accident which introduced me to the splatterpunk/extreme horror genre. Trying new genre's that still sound interesting to you might help a lot. Also YouTube book reviews lol.

Sorry for the long comment, I tend to yap a lot...

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