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God fucking hates me

Posted by <<sentient_STD>>


Forum: Life

I swear bro I got my period for TWO WEEKS WHILE I WAS SICK and them found out I have pneumonia and my grades have been dropping and my head has been hurting and my friends are being fake and my parents hate me and I'm depressed and my ADHD autism and anger issues is NOT HELPING

My m root ỳttental health is crying in the back corner of my fucking brain bro why does this happen to me what did I do

And my parents tf threatening to take away my presents for no reason and my evil sister (like actually evil she has tried to stab me before) is back from a mental hospital bc apparently she is too CRAZY to handle there ?? And all this stress is making me want to jump off a cliff rn

Anyways how are you? 

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Reply by PsycBreak


Your sister sounds insane I am sorry

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Reply by <<sentient_STD>>


Honestly at this point I am used to it bc after so many years of her torture I can't do anything about it 

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