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Slender the Arrival made me STARVED for more crp games (serious this game is really good, if you don't know it PLAY IT NOW), but it's justifiable why there aren't any more creepypasta games, after all it wouldn't be worth spending months or years making a game that wouldn't get as many downloads or views as it would in 2013-2015.

I don't know if it's just me being too easily scared but the Slender games I played really gave me a certain amount of fear/tension, not because of Slender itself but because of the atmosphere, soundtrack, the feeling that you're being watched and could be killed at any moment.

I would like them not to limit themselves to just Slenderman games but to other crps (separately or all together) and with an actual story, although I don't know how this would work since most of them are OCs of people who are either problematic or who no longer want to be involved with the fandom.

Do you agree with me that there should be more creepypasta games? What do you imagine they would be like if there were (like gameplay, if it would focus on just one or several, etc.)

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