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Band recz

Posted by alex sucks:3


Forum: Music

Sn3d he1p!!!!!  1 am 1ik3 0b5e55ed with r10t g!rrr1 and 1 want to l!st3n 2 more bandz but 1m having troubl3 find!ng bandz I l1k3. Do you guyz have any t1ps for f1nd!ng mor3 bandz or any band suggestion. 

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Reply by ⛧ 𝔪𝔞𝔭𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔢 ⛧


weelll depends a lot on what are you looking for! x3 I recommend listening tooo strange boutique is pretty cool but if you lookin for something more punky and loud maybe pixies ! is more garange I believe

uwu yo

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