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weight lifting

Posted by Skylar


Forum: General

My current leg press is 7 plates for around 5 reps. how do I increase this without increasing my weight (currently 130lbs)

I go for full ROM each time, but recently, my left upper rib has been receiving a lot of pressure. I decreased the weight for 6 weeks, but it's starting again. Is there a leg placement I could try that would avoid this? 

thanks in advance ✪

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Reply by furhad


I've been lifting weights for a while but never got that heavy on the bars

from my personal experience there are internal muscles that are weakened over time and need to be triggered in a funny way, i used to have issues with my shoulder socket and turns out training my back more made the pain go 

in your case its in the ribs just don't listen to online strangers and go to a specialist 

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