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Should users know why they're banned?

Posted by Gray


Forum: SpaceHey

I feel like users here should, as my opinion on the rules are they are too vague for anyone to be 100% sure about what they did. This also only creates assumptions and people usually assume the worse or what they want to be true.

Of that I'm aware of there's no plans to ever implement listing ban reasons or sending emails about it. So I'm curious to see if it's a feature people would actually want. Before Spacehey, I was in communities that made huge deals about admins and mods being open about everything and always demanding transparency from them, so these features not being a thing and no one talking or bringing them up is pretty odd to me.

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Reply by sudofry


I think it would be nice to give people a more specific reason as well as a chance to possibly appeal the ban, depending on the reason. I've only seen a handful of people get banned and although it says they're not allowed to make a new account, most of them do end up coming back. Perhaps knowing the exact reason for the ban would keep them from repeating the same mistake again?

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Reply by Gray


That would help a lot since from what I see, most ban evasions are from people who have no clue what they did or they're only here to ask why. Ban appeals would be very nice too, seems everyone is split between "the rules are clear, if you can't follow them then stay banned" and "the rules are vague, they need to be reworked" I'm in the latter group so anything to help giving second chances or being more transparent I'm all for. 

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