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Life during Covid-19

Posted by JakobaBeatz93


Forum: Life

Jesus, where do I start. lol. I suppose I should say off with "F Covid-19" it is so horrendously boring and bland, and in a sense I feel like I am developing a type of Anhedonia(Inability to feel Pleasure), though that's not necessarily true entirely. I do however counter it consistently by staying productive and progressive inĀ  anyway that I can, it has been alright some days and others I really struggle trying to self motivate myself to do the things I've always loved and achieve the things I'd love to do, Mostly I just try to stay busy with things such as Skateboarding, Improving my drawing practices to eventually become a professional tattoo artist some day. I also recently bought an amazing hardback book by H.P. Lovecraft for sixteen dollar and that made me beyond happy to have a new book that I can indulge in. I had also purchased Fruity Loop Studios Producer Edition and i intend to implement it as soon as I can find the strength to gather my motivation and focus to invest the time into it. life currently SUCKS and I'm sure many will agree with me, but even though the current Covid-19 depression that seems to have a grip on everyone lets up and things can improve as before, only I don't feel like it'll be the same as before. Politic is still a SH*T show and the justice system is still broken, still no free health care, many are out of jobs, especially those in the restaurant or service companies etc.. I know this because my sister was one of them, she had a job at a Asian cuisine as a waitress and was making good pay and was able to support herself and her three boys(Martine 6, Mathias 4, Gabriel 3) as soon as the whole pandemic tsunami hit everywhere, she found herself getting less pay then she normally would, and therefore couldn't afford to no longer support herself and her three boys, its heartbreaking in so many ways that she worked so hard literally with her full time job to get back to square one. I too in a differently similar way am in the same situation, only without kids and just myself to support. After all the crazy curve balls life thrown at us, it has forced us to completely flip our lives around and to live with each other as that is the best option we all have to survive this whole ordeal. SO we know its bad, not even just for us but for everyone in America especially after the corruptness that has been shown to us from our very own government. Its hard to feel proud to be an American when you find out that our rights are being stripped from us in any way possible... Things are definitely not easy for everyone at the moment, though its not likely I do hope that things will change soon to get better. I know we need it and its way overdue by now at this point. I miss socializing and doing normal stuff, I feel truly horrible having to watch ,my nephew have to cower in the safety of our home to prevent from catching Covid-19. they need to be playing at playgrounds or making friends to grow with at school etc.. America does not feel like all the things that these "Patriots" claim it is. There is just so much wrong with so many things it could literally make a bucket list of all the things going wrong, it probably would be infinite. Here's to hoping for something to change for the better I know im sick of all this stuff already.

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