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How do you feel when a person with same gender as you confess their attraction?

Posted by Jean


Forum: Quiz/Survey

I want to know straight people opinions about How do you feel when person with same gender confess their attraction to you? I often having love interest with straight man hoping they bi or share the same feelings even tho they don't. I didn't mean to make them uncomfortable or something but do you guys feel disgust or anything after you got confessed?

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Reply by FanaticAnt


Your post is actually really close to what happened to me and my friend. I met him through mutual friends and we started talking but it was more of small talk. Out of nowhere he asked me out on a date hoping that I was gay or at least bi, I’m not. Of course he felt so bad and stupid after it happened because he didn't fully believe I was straight. We ended up talking it out and what’s funny is that we ended up becoming friends lmao. I don’t know about other straight dudes but me personally if a gay dude were to ask me out I wouldn’t feel disgust or even be weirded out. So unless the guy you’re talking to is homophobic then just ask him out.

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