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What song lyrics would you say are your favorite?

Posted by ToastyDoasty


Forum: Music

Mine personally are the lyrics from Cassie by Flyleaf the story behind them even though proven untrue is honestly amazing.


The story behind the song for anyone who doesn't know the song is about Cassie Bernall who was a victim of the Columbine Shooting in 1999 she was very popularly believed to have been asked "Do you believe in god" by one of the shooters which she replied "Yes" and was then killed this wasn't true though the actual person to be asked this question was Valeen Schnurr who was shot but survived.

Although the song lyrics are proven to be untrue now it still doesn't take away from the message and I just love how they immortalized Cassie

The question asked in order
To save her life or take it

The answer "No" to avoid death
The answer "Yes" would make it
Make it

"Do you believe in God?"
Written on the bullet

Say "Yes" to pull the trigger
"Do you believe in God?"
Written on the bullet

And Cassie pulled the trigger

All heads are bowed in silence
To remember her last sentence
She answered him knowing what would happen
Her last words still hanging in the air
In the air

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Reply by Blue


The song "androgynous girls" by girls aloud has alot of thought provoking lyrics. People say it's nonsense in the song. I disagree you just need to really dig to understand them. 

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Reply by xXreverieXx


"oh how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying" our lady of sorrows - MCR

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