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anyone have an idea how to write stories???

Posted by Valerie


Forum: General

s000 1 r34lly w4nn4 st4rt wr1t1ng st0r13s but 1dk wh3r3 to st4rt, d03s 4ny0n3 kn0www?? 

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Reply by swaghaver


tbh, in order to write you just have to do it. a good chunk of learning is by doing. i write fanfic from time to time and typically i start with a rough outline where i go over everything i want to happen, usually it's written like i'm relaying the events over text than it being written well. i often don't write in chronological order, usually i just go from scene to scene depending on what part i feel like working on at that point in time and then connect it and fix things up for flow later.

for original stuff, i'm ngl i have no concrete fully written stories, just outlines and general ideas of how stuff goes. i tend to start with general ideas and characters before any plot stuff. i personally find it easier to establish who the story is about so i can write the story with their personalities and motivations in mind.

i personally like using google docs bc i can work from multiple devices without needing to import/export the file each time i want to work and i'm faster on keyboard than on pencil and paper. i find it way easier to use a word processor than physically write for editing purposes and easy private sharing with others, but you can do what you want lol

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Reply by Valerie
