Can someone tell me what I can do to stop myself from hitting this girl? Because I really feel like doing it. The thing is that this girl in my class is totally ANNOYING, she always gives me dirty looks for nothing, when I want to say something she has to make fun of me or talk to me in a bad way, it's impossible to have a good conversation with her without her wanting to gossip about something other than boys and dirty things. Also, she doesn't like being corrected when she's wrong and if you correct her she'll be against you ALL day. She yells at everything, gets angry at everything and gets stressed out about everything. She's the type of person that will only come up to you when you're crying just to find out what's wrong and not help you in any way to make you feel better.
(Plus, She's a bit of a pick me up and has made fun of everyone on countless occasions but she hates it when someone makes even the slightest joke about her.)