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Where'd june come from?

so im relatively new to hs, just read it this year, an im wondering where june came from? I havent read the epilouges, so any furthur exploration of johns (gonna b refering 2 him as john cause thats the way i see him) identity gender wise has been lost on me. But from what i can tell junes just a really popular headcanon? basically fannon? im jus wondering where that even came from? 

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Reply by ponyluver69


Late reply! But if I remember it actually came from a fan who won some toblerone contest hussie made hahah basically hussie made some contest where he hid toblerone chocolates and whoever found it can make something cannon in homestuck or have a wish granted and a fan later found one and chose to make the head cannon june cannon in the epilogues of whatever so in some universe june is cannon however in the main story it wouldn’t be 

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