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Advice from a Black Weeb girlie

Posted by Kylee


Forum: Anime Fans Group

Im black or well technically puerto rican but whateves but im starting to notice a pattern especially with black people specifically women

Where the Nerds at bro 

Like srs i HATE it when people think black women are suppused to be Outgoing, charming, Loud etc 

What about the quiet ones the neurodivgrent ones 

Or rhe Anime, K-pop, DND and TCG players? Or the ALT ones the goth girlies or the Rock enthusiasts? The vegans, the Disabled ones the wheelchair users,

If we do any of these things we're considered weied or white-washed or "black card revoke" 

Thankfully my fam NEVER bullies me cuz i dont listen to Black music they just joke about it it's all fun and jokes not taken srs..

I mean i listen to Rihanna and Lil kayla but thats it, look all im tryna say here is this appiles to everyone not just black girlies like me we ad a society need to just accept we arent your stereotypical People u precieve on The news and social media.

And just be our true authentic selves 

So take this as a sign to do whatever u want and br what the so-called people call CRINGE

Wear fur suits 

Dress scene 

write that fanfic u didnt finish 

watch that "childish" or "Weird" show u been meaning to watch 

Watch anime 

Cosplay that one character u always loved 

Listen to that one artist you've been meaning to listen to 

Wear scne, Lolita, Decora, fairy grunge, kawaii, cuteocre etc

U only got 1 life y"all let's make it count alright? 

I mean yeah i dont wewr the clothes i can't but im happy i get to be who i am not faking who I'm truly am so if u can't do that that's okay but promise me one thing you'll won't try and be someone u aren't 

-Thank u and love yourselfs 


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