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Wattpad/Quotev Alternative?

Posted by Thorn


Forum: Writing and Poetry

I don't use Wattpad because I never get any reads and with Quotev's recent update, it's the exact same. Does anyone know any alternatives that I'd be able to turn to for writing and posting? I want to see my stories being enjoyed instead of watching them disappear into the web's blackhole

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Reply by ven!!


Have you tried using AO3? Its my go to for writing stuff, and there isn't an algorithm so its less likely your stuff will be pushed to the depths of the internet

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Reply by Thorn


I had not tried AO3 yet. I'll look into it! Thanks!

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Reply by ✶Rib𓆩𓁺𓆪Eye Black Dragon✶


There's also Fanfiction.Net and FictionPress. One is for fanfic and the latter is for original works. 

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