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Any retro gamers/collectors?

Posted by ToastyDoasty


Forum: Games

Feel free to talk about some games you got doesn't have to be retro I would also love to hear about some of the consoles you guys collect for and what your favorite games are for those consoles.

Can't wait to see!

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4 Replies

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Reply by Bella


This past week, I thrifted a Wii for $50. Some extra controllers and sensor bars were included too. I plan to mod it, jut waiting till payday to get a flash drive for it lol.

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Reply by ToastyDoasty


I modded my Wii myself but the USB Didn't work and I wasn't about to spend like $20 on new USB drives for them to not work so I'm kind of forced to buy games lmao

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Reply by Zarpe


I recently got a N64 really cheap, but for some reason the image on the tv is weird and the colors are a bit off. I have no idea how to fix it, it's playable tho XD 

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Reply by Crimson_CreepXX


I have a Wii from when I was a kid that I play Just Dance on sometimes, my dad also has a ps4 and an old xbox (idk which one) that he uses for some of his older games from the 90's. I also have my moms old DS with Pokémon Black, but it freezes up all the time so I have to constantly save my progress lol.

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