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Hai!! Before you post, please at LEAST read the "basic" space rules. It won't take too long!

1: Respect other users or members

Being a meanie isn't cool, and can actually get you kicked/banned from the space. So if you're rude to other people, especially based on things like background, appearance, sexual orientation, or whatever, then scram! You are not one of the homies!

2: Label what u put in the fridge

If you don't want certain people reading/interacting with your posts, label it! Don't want minors/people under a certain age to read ur shit? Label! Although this space is meant to be adult/teen-centric, spacehey is a 13+ app. Label. Ur. Shit. Oh and also, add TW or FW as needed!

3: No callouts or dramallamas.

If you have an issue with anyone in the group/space, please contact us, the owner, comfisystem. Wether that be through spacehey or discord, we do not care, what we DO care about is safety.


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