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if they wanted to make time for you, they would

as someone who's struggling to make plans with my partner, i have realized that in a relationship, if your partner wanted to make time for you, they would do it. 

It doesn't matter how busy someone is. If they want to see you, they will find a way. 

like if everytime you reach out, they say something like "oh well i'm busy i don't have time" it gets to a point where it's no longer about them being busy (especially if they still hang out with other people!!) 

that's my personal take on it

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Reply by mols


hey! i dont have a partner.. but i feel this way about my bestfriend, it feels like she never has time for me anymore. shes always with her boyfriend and ngl it makes me super down!

i love her to pieces so i dont want to call her out on it, but its just getting so frustrating bc no one has time for me anymore.

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Reply by mols


sorry!! forgot to mention in my other reply.. i really hope that youre okay! its not fair for your partner to do this to you. my messages are always open xoxo

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