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Jekyll and Hyde(Why Jekyll is Bad)

Posted by UnSaintlyValentine


Forum: Writing and Poetry

I have so so soooo many strong feelings about the Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde and I want to drop my most controversial opinion on it, because modern adaptations while interesting just stray so painfully far from the original story :((

While I love Dr.Jekyll as a character, I hold firm to the belief that he is the villain of the story, not Hyde. This is because in the original novella Hyde is just his alter ego, a mask for him to put on so he can go misbehave and look at women's ankles without fear of losing face. Hyde is Jekyll, Jekyll is Hyde. And of course you could use Dr.Jekyll's explanation at the end of the book as evidence of his innocence, but I take that whole chapter as nothing more than a story he's either spun to convince the reader or himself that he isn't the bad guy. But it's all just a story. He only started feeling fear and remorse about Hyde when he was caught trampling that girl and he likely realized his reputation was at stake. 

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