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Tokio Hotel lost/unconfirmed songs

I did some reaserch and found some songs that I'm not sure if they actually exist because I didn't find any sign of confirmation or any audio of them. Also the band hasn't confirmed their existance. Anyways, Tokio Hotel fans please help me out!

  • "The Infinite"- english version of "Unendlichkeit" was supposed to be released in the album "Scream"
  • "Alles wird gelogen" was supposed to be released in the album "Schrei"
  • "Kalt einfach" and "Wilkommen" were supposed to be released in the album "Zimmer 483"
  • "We Stay Forever"- english version of "Wir Sterbern Niemals Aus" was supposed to be released in the album "Scream"
  • "Therapy" was supposed to be released in the "Humanoid" album
  • "Riot in Demand" was also supposed to be released in the "HUmanoid" album and it was probably a duet with another artist (unknown)
  • "The end of the world" was supposed to be released in the album "HUmanoid"
  • "Schnee in meinem herz" was supposed to be in the german version of the album "Humanoid"
  • "Du hast auch" was supposed to be in the german version of the album "Humanoid"
  • "Hass und begierde"- german version of "Hurricanes and Suns"
  • "Einmal"- german version of "That Day"

If you find anything related to those songs or more, comment and let me know!

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4 Replies

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Reply by Vera★


Something interesting is that I think I've seen the English version of the song "Leb' die Sekunde" ! Not sure when.. or where..it was called "Live every second"  I think it's unrealised.. which is a bit sad for me because I really like both — the English and German version.. I think you can find it on YouTube but i think it's unreleased.. I've seen them play it on a few of their concerts (haven't actually went to a real tokio hotel concert in the 2000s but I've seen videos on YouTube!) and it's catchy! But yet again.. not sure if it's released! :((

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Reply by Nina


I've heard of these songs, some people have commented on them, very few, but I can't confirm that they are all true, probably some are and I would really like to have heard them

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Reply by Maria Kaulitz


Sooooo the song "LIve every second" (english version of Leb die secunde) exists on youtube from concerts, so you can listen to it there :)

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Reply by lorena <3


the "willkommen" in zimmer 483 sounds familiar to me, like i heard it. i can't remeber tho :p

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