I just started it. Took forever to download Linnux just to get it on the Chromebook, but I'd say it's well worth it! What are ya'll's clan names and current leaders? Mine is Leafclan and my current leader is Raggedstar!
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Anyone here play Clangen?
7 Replies
Reply by Coop
I have a friend that really likes it, she has 10+ clans I believe.
I have a copy of Lifegen that I mess around with the files for but I don't play it very often. My clan's called Wackclan.
Chromebook Linux environments are such a pain, glad you were able to get it working!
Reply by xXL0rd_Fr3dXx
Yeeee! I have 3 clans now, Leafclan, Mossclan, and one I made with a friend: Mikuclan!
Reply by Coop
Haha Mikuclan, that's so fun! I'm not very far into my save (moon 12 if I'm not mistaken, I've really been going to town with save editing instead of actually playing lol) so I don't have much to say about my cats, but what about you? Anything cool going on with your clans?
Reply by xXL0rd_Fr3dXx
I almost exterminated my whole Clan when I first started out bc I legit forgot that the cats needed food and had to be sent on hunting patrols, so I skipped a bunch of moons for fun. ;-;
Reply by Coop
I have a colors mod too so I made a galaxy cat a few months back when I was bored. 2017 me wanted everything galaxy colored for some reason. My old Roblox avatar had one of those purple galaxy Adidas hoodies back in 2017, it was cringe looking back but if younger me was having fun it's not all that bad.
Reply by xXL0rd_Fr3dXx
Woah how do you change the names of your cats?? Also the galaxy one looks awesome! I haven't found any super funny ones, but I gotta start searching for a white Yippee cat. My favorite cat is AphidDash, my medi cat in Leafclan. I love Tortishell cats, and she haas leaves and feathers as her decorations. :3
Reply by Coop
I believe you can only edit your cats name and such if your game was compiled from source, if you have a Clangen folder in your Linux environment you should be able to find the correct file to edit from there. You're looking for clan_cats.json in a folder with your clan's name. There should be a full guide on the Discord.
I hope you also find some funny cats and AphidDash sounds really cool! Tortoisehell cats are awesome!