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If you could erase a game from your memory so you can experience it for the first time again what would it be?

Posted by Edgar Allan Hoe


Forum: Games

As someone who likes to replay the games I have it tends to not be as interesting and mysterious as the first time I went through it on account of knowing what to expect. I have 3 games in particular I wish I could go through for the first time again:

  • Persona 4 Golden: supposedly the plot twist that revealed the villain to be adachi was spoiled for many somehow didn't get to me luckily. It was my first encounter with the persona series and the megaten franchise as a whole. I never would've guessed him to be the villain.
  • Yakuza Kiwami 2: for me, this one is ranking high on my personal tier list in the RGG series despite it being seen as a weaker entry by most fans. Not only because remake bad, original good mentality, but fans consider the story to be outshined by the plots of other yakuza titles. I loved it however, even If combat did feel very clunky.
  • Fallout 4: an even more divisive title. Also my introduction to fallout. I don't know how to describe it but listening to Skeeter Davis' "The end of the world" while wandering the Commonwealth was such a vibe. For some reason the next playthroughs the song would hardly ever play when others would get much more time on DCR. Also I strangely prefer nervous Travis on the radio rather than the more confident one. Feels so forced.

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5 Replies

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Reply by Ozzwald


I haven't thought about it before. So I don't know.. maybe a game like Minecraft so I could rediscover all those old YouTubers all over again, maybe.

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Reply by Nashoba


sooo many i feel like omg... speaking of megaten, smtiva was SOO fun to play through, id love to do it all again all clueless again. dishonored was really good, i loved getting surprised by stuff even though the game was so old id love to do it all over again fresh. my husband just finished disco elysium for the first time, it was so good to enjoy his first time reactions to stuff. id love to play that one all fresh again too, its got such a good surprising story

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Reply by Nova


world of warcraft, 17 years of my life there, i started playing when i was very young on my dad's account then made my own when i was older and kept playing with him, i have so many good memories and that place feels like my home more than my homes feels like, wish i could experience it again like i did when i was a kid

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Reply by Yayihaveroux


either red dead redemption 2 or halo reach, id love to replay those for the first time again

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Reply by RenCringe


because i have a small habit on purposefully spoiling myself on games............ quite a few lol. if i could erase my memories, but leave amnesiac me with a note that reads "hey before we erased our memories of these games we fucking LOVED them. dont spoil them & it will be very special!!!" then i think my picks would beee...

- pokemon black: because i am very dissatisfied with the way past me played it lmao. i was sort of a dick with my dialogue choices, and almost all of my team but my starter was underleveled... ^_^" would be nice to go thru it again with my better grasp on pkmn

- i'll put persona 2 (both) & in stars and time together as games i REALLY wish i got the chance to go into totally blind! while i actually did get to go into them pretty relatively blind, i knew about some Very Crucial Plot Information beforehand that would prob enhance the experiences tenfold not to have known. even if knowing that info gave both games a very interesting sort of pervasive aura of dread to sit thru lmao

- as a fun sort of experiment, id love to take several games that i absolutely ADORE the osts of and then re-experience said osts to see if id still love them nearly as much. you know. for fun. quite a few games in this category but i think the one that would be most interesting in this context is okage: shadow king

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