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Need to vent?

Posted by Vexsperia


Forum: Life

Vent and rant about whatever you like, even if it's something small. Or don't, that's okay too! Maybe you could give some advice instead?

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2 Replies

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Reply by Maxokaine


Lol i need to rant, im feeling like shit rn at 6am in the morning. It just sucks, im an adult (21) but i still feel like a teenager and the one thing i think about when feeling like shit is: AREN'T I TOO OLD TO FEEL LIKE THIS. its so frustrating, seeing other people living their lives to the fullest, making plans, having families and then im just sitting here depressed af, semi-diagnosed, since mental health care SUCKS BALLS where i live. 

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Reply by Ozzwald


You're never to old to feel like shit. There's no reason to lock yourself away from your feelings because you turned 18. I can't really help you, I'm not a therapist, but don't beat yourself up because you're 21.

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