Glad to see that there is a forum for religion/philosophy. These some of my favorite things to talk and think about.
So, I have had these thoughts brewing for a while and honestly have no idea how to share them. I don't know how to make it seem coherent and not crazed... which being incoherent and sounding crazy is common for me.
Perception of Self and Objectiveness are two really interesting topics for me. Your Perception of Self is different from everyone else's, on top of that you are shaped by terms that are man-made and typically very objective.
For example, someone calls you stupid. Is that an accurate label for you? This person has their own set of guidelines/beliefs that defines someone as stupid, which differs completely with other people. On the same day, someone else might call you "gifted" or "intelligent"
I read someone's vent about getting a low score on an IQ test, and someone responded, "then you just aren't good at IQ tests". Which is interesting... considering, IQ tests are one of the top standards for determining someone's intelligence.
Someone please tell me you get what im saying, I could yap about this forever but I don't want it to get too long.