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I've never dated before and I suddenly want a bf, help??

I'm a 16 year old girl and (until recently) I have never felt attraction or the urge to date anyone, so for a long time I assumed I was aroace and decided to just not worry about it. Recently, I FINALLY started feeling attraction to others (men specifically) but now I don't know what to do. I feel like most people kind of learn how to date in their pre-teens; even if they don't have serious relationships, they still learn how to go on dates, sometimes they have their first kiss, or at the very least have held hands. I have done NONE of these things, and now everyone else my age is way more experienced than I am and I feel like a total idiot when it comes to dating. I'm talking to this guy on snapchat that I really like. He's super sweet, he knows how to cook, we like the same sport, he reads and writes, he likes nerdy video games, and to me he's perfect. But he's dated other girls before (not that I mind) and I'm worried that he's gonna be annoyed with just how little experience I have (assuming we do date, thankfully I'm pretty sure he's interested in me.) What do I talk about over the phone (he asked me if we can call when I return home from a vacation)? What do I do when we go on dates? What do I do if he wants to kiss me?? Any tips are appreciated <3

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