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Here r sum act1v1t1ez i do as a sc3nm0 k1d lolz

Art act1vit1ez: 

- recreating album coverz in my style of replicating the og one for a challenge

- make  sc3nm0 ocz (OC is an acronym for original character btw)

- create kewl stickerz with tape and  paper!1 (Go at the bottom for the tutorial)

- dedicate a wall in my room where me and ma friends stick sum silly doodles!

0nl1ne act1v1t1ez:

-  f1ll a bl0g 0f ur life for ur future self! It could 1nclude f1t checkz, skl life, ur feel1ngz, anyth1ng!1

- chat 0n spacehey lolz

- make v1de0 that recapz ur year/moth, skl year, etc... with pics of urself and ur fav s0ng at that t1me

- watch sum og scene queenz grwmz

Th1ngz t0 d0 w1th fr1endz:

- g0 at the mall and take cute p1cz

- make kand1 (∩_∩)

- make a j0urnal alm0st like a d1ary but all together! u could assing urselz c0l0rs to write 1n ^^

- d0 each 0ther's makeup/ha1r and do a photoshoot!

H0memade st1ckerz tutorial:

1. draw ur st1cker on a paper (a lil doodle or whatevs)

2. take tape thats b1gger than the drawing so the edges st1ck out enough for it to st1ck well

3. c0ver the front part of the paper (where the drawing is) with that piece of tape. Usually, the edges of the tape stick 0ut, WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT!!

4. st1ck ur st1cker wherever u want! it sh0uld stick due to the edges 0f the tape.

5. if u dont wanna stick it rn, st1ck it on parchement paper. It w1ll last long and not become less st1cky + easy to peel!

lmk in the comments if yall need a tutorial w/ images!!

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