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what are some playlists you've made/saved you'd wanna show?

Posted by xryxix


Forum: Music

def link em here if you'd like!

my first playlist for nice songs found really got almost 5k on it, started around 2014. if you skip whatever ya don't want it'll show you more of what you don't skip it's really nice w hella nostalgic sound


this my recent nice playlist, got 4.5k+ in it and I started it i think around 2022 so it's more modern what's been going on


and here's my nice playlist on spotify, it has 300+ hours on it


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Reply by F!R£FLY


definitely keeping that first playlist u linked in mind for later . it looks niec

most of my playlists are nuthing special so i've got nothing of my own 2 share. :(

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Reply by xryxix


nice firefly! it's a whole vibe fr and that's okay! i appreciate you interacting and all

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