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help please! changing a few colors in my layout

Posted by sarita


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

the gradient bar at the top of my interests and links boxes is blue and doesn't match the other ones T-T i can't quite figure out how to fix that

also how do i change the color that the words in the top menu glow someone please help (´_`)

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Reply by suki


this fixes the blue gradient:

.profile .table-section .heading {
background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/CKX2NUO.png), linear-gradient(to right, #580c0c, #cfa1a1);

and for the top bar, this changes the colour of the glow:

nav .links a {
text-shadow: 0 0 7px #000000;

(replace 000000 with the hex colour code you want)

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Reply by sarita


it worked!! thanks a bunch :o)

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