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Zenit Film Camera

While at my grandparents house, I found a Zenit camera put away in the closet! My grandfather didn't want it anymore, so he let me bring it home. I'm super excited to buy film for the camera! I've always loved film cameras and even vhs/mini dv cameras, too.

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Reply by Ajay


Soviet film cameras are awesome

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Reply by leslie


Soviet and Warsaw pact cameras are awesome!  My first camera ever is an
East German Praktica and it's built like a tank.  I've moved onto smaller and lighter cameras but that one will always have a place in my heart (and on my shelf collecting dust ;_;).  I also have a MiniDV
at home that my parents used to take baby videos of me and I've been
trying to get it fixed for like ages.  I hope that Zenit will serve you well and maybe you should share us the photos you take sometimes!

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