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Help me achieve my dream?

Posted by LS


Forum: Quiz/Survey

Dreaming Big!

Hi all!

I have a dream to make a mobile app to help folks respond to uncomfortable text messages.

And, I need You to help make this app great!

I'd love to know:
  1. Have you ever receive a text message that made you feel uncomfortable?
  2. What'd you do about it? (How'd you respond to the situation?)
  3. What would have been most helpful to you in that moment?

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6 Replies

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Reply by KillMeNow


I get messages from people who get my number from my work and then try to hit on me. Mostly I ignore them so they don't continue. Sometimes they also includea legit work question which means I have to respond. It's gross.

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Reply by James Harden


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Reply by LoraJhon


The cost of a campaign that focuses on getting your website to the first page of the search engine optimization result pages is pretty high if you go the old way! In the earlier times of search engine optimization services, the way of qualitybloggeroutreach presence was to use tags and a lot of them. Also, getting many backlinks and putting up huge banner ads on popular websites was the way to go.

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Reply by FaithKabanda


Even though the new technology has now been made available to the public, we can still convert our cars into water-powered cars from our homes. The non-plastic bottled water system is gaining popularity as thousands of people around the world have already started using mountain water bottles. An electrical process called electrolysis is used to extract energy from water. Then you can complete your pure water need.

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Reply by James Harden


The wedding is a special day in anyone's life. Go for online help, select a crochet wedding dress and the style of wedding dress that fits into the wedding theme....extract beautiful images and then final the wedding dress. 

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Reply by folim


Creating a mobile app to help people respond to uncomfortable text messages is a thoughtful and innovative idea. To frame it in a concise manner, similar to the style of a brief app description like that for an IESCO web bill app that is also very good to use.

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